"At the risk of sounding like a snob, THAT'S the book you're choosing?"

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Much to Lottie's dissupointment, she hasn’t seen the handsome stranger in day’s.

She had multiple books to return, so after some oatmeal for breakfast, she began the ten minute walk to the library.

Her loose white tee shirt blew around in the light wind, and she hopped around on the sidewalk, just feeling goofy. She began her trek up the library's obnoxious amount of stairs, tripping only a few times.

By the time she got to the top, she was out of breath. Seriously, who needs that many stairs?

She shouldered the door open and embraced the warmth from inside. She returned the books she had been reading and began her browsing.

Stopping at the dark romance section of the massive library, she stacked a few books in her arms.

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters, Ruthless People by J. J. Darhower and Crow by A Zavarelli were three of the books that she picked out.

[These are actual books, and while I have not read them, they seem interesting]

After getting settled in a fluffy corner seat, lottie began examining her books of choice. Setting the thinner ones to the side, she picked up the thickest option.

She thumbed through a few pages as the hair on her arms stood with goosebumps.

Shivering, she began rubbing at the skin. She looked around for the source of her discomfort.

Unable to find anything, she shook her head and began reading. Getting lost in her book, obvious to her surroundings, she hadn't noticed the man till it was too late.

“At the risk of sounding like a snob,THAT'S the book you're choosing?” The suddenness of the smooth voice caused her to jump up to her feet and spin while swinging the book.

Effectively striking her ‘attacker’ in the chest with the novel. They both just stood there for a hot second, her holding the book to his chest while he looked down at her. Literally.

She looked up at him with watery eyes,"You uh scared me” she said while taking a step backward. Noting his black turtleneck and white sweats, and was that a book on how to ask people out? She couldn't see the title well enough.

“I didn't mean to give you such a fright,” he scratched at his neck nervously,”I had seen you, and I noticed the book in your hand..” he began rambling and trying to explain why he had decided to come over.

Lottie awkwardly rocked on the balls of her feet. He really is just a big sweetheart, isn't he? She mused as she watched him fidgeting.

“It's alright.” She said, her tone became threatening,”just don't do it again.” She then smiled as an angel would.

They stood there, taking in each others presence. she picked at her nails as he pulled at a strand of his hair.

After a few minutes passed, she mumbled, “Can I have your number?” into the book she had clutched to her chest.

He looked at her confused,” I'm sorry, what was that? I didn't quite hear you.”
She huffed,” Why must you be so tall? Can I have your number?” She asked louder while digging the toe of her shoe into the carpet.

He blinked a few times,”Oh, yeah, sure, I would love to give you my number. But I don't have my phone with me, it's over at my table.” He vaguely gestured behind lottie and said he'll be right back.

She proceeded to sit back down and wait for his return. She was so going to go home and gossip with her brother. She tapped her fingertips on the book cover as she looked over her shoulder.

Her eyes narrowed at what she saw. Some bitch was cornering HER man, she could see from here that he was uncomfortable. Before she knew it, she was behind the redheaded menace.

[ In personal experiences, redheads scare me lol beautiful people, though]

Tappin on her shoulder rather harshly,”Can’t you see he’s uncomfortable?” Lottie snapped at her.

Slowly the girl turned around, if lottie wasnt straight she’d swoon.

With vibrant red hair and sparkling green eyes, she had a comanding appearance. Her eye’s narrowed, judging lottie.

With hands on her hips,”Well? Can you or can you not see that he’s clearly uncomfortable with you practically shoving your cleveage in his face?” the girl gasped, her mouth opening and closing.

“He could have just told me himself, dont gotta be a bitch about it.” She stalked off, hitting lotties sholder hard enough for her to stumble and trip backwards.

Instead of hitting the floor like she had expected, the man caught her. Large hands settled around her waist.

“Oh. Thanks” She smiled up at him while he looked down at her. The eye contact got to be too much, and they looked away simultaneously.

“Thank you dearly for rescuing me. I had no clue what to even say to her.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

Now that they were both properly blushing at the cheesy thing that just happened, they were able to exchange numbers. Lottie hopped from foot to foot as her waited.

He chuckled,” okay its, ### ### ####.” She stuck her tongue out while concentrating on plugging the numbers into her phone right.

she suddenly looked up at him and snorted a little,” I'm sorry, what's your name? I don't think we ever exchanged those.”

His plush lips split into a grin,” No, I don't think we did. Luther Jones at your service.” He did a little bow and wink move.

She jokingly fanned herself,”Lottie Knox, pleased to meet you.” she set his name in her phone and sent a quick

‘hey this is lottie’ text, so he had her number as well.

He looked at the time on his phone,” Crap, it's much later than I thought it was. I need to head out, I'll text you later, yeah?” He began cleaning up his spot in a rush, leaving a very confused lottie as he left.

“But it’s only 12:30 pm?” she mumbled and looked at his back as he left the seating area. She shrugged and put two of her own books back before checking out the other two.

Upon exiting the library, she got a chill. Not specifically from the cold, but she couldn't place the feeling well enough and began her walk to her house.

The walk back always felt shorter than the walk to the library. When she was kicking off her shoes as she entered the main hallway, she noticed there was a pair of black heels there.

Which makes no sense, while her brother doesn't look like it, he's gay. She cautiously made her way to the living room where the sound of voices was coming from.

When she entered, her heart dropped, and her warm eyes turned cold.


Chapter Two finally out 😮‍💨 only took a week, so that isn't too bad

I think it's a bit basic, so let me know ways to fix it and tweak it

I decided that I did the redhead dirty and I don't want their first kiss to be such a quick and meaningless thing.

Lemme know it you like this better

✌🏽 chapter three will have DRAMA y'all

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