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asante malik keaton| 1 month later |❚█══ the court ══█❚

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asante malik keaton
| 1 month later |
❚█══ the court ══█❚


ASANTE RAN TO the park bench that sat infront of the parking lot of the park that stood in the middle of his neighborhood. He readjusted hisself, pulling his shorts down a little fixing them.

It was peaceful out, late september and the breeze hitting his face was immaculate. Until it was disturbed by his friends.

"Nigga you taking a break already, i could do this for days" tyler laughed as he walked up to asante and sat down on the bench next to him as he held the spalding basketball under his arm, drinking water from his green gatorade water bottle.

"man, fuck that im finna die and shit" asante said downing his water bottle he pulled out of his nike duffel bag before grabbing his phone to check his messages.

He was checking his phone, mainly waiting for a text back from amoura. Him and amoura had been talking for a month now, ever since the first time she came over. Amoura wanted to take it slow so they could learn more about each other and also gain a friendship before jumping into a relationship, which was fine by him. As long as he was in her presence he didn't care.

"Nigga waiting for amoura to text him bitch ass nigga" jordan said laughing, tyler's laugh following behind. "On god, thats his lil boo thing, he be walking her to class and shit. Make me wanna go bother my ex or some" tyler said fake crying while holding his chest.

"Man yall in my buisness too much, nigga whats going on with you and tamryn" asante asked trying to take the focus off of him, his nerves growing everytime her name was brought up.

"Oh i just wanna fuck, tell me why she texted me randomly in vanish mode saying " you tryna fuck tonight ", i was like wtf but sure" tyler shrugged as the two boys just shook their heads.

"Why you fucking that girl bro, you know she get around and i heard she already had an abortion a few months ago" jordan interruped him with a confused face.

"Damn forreal, well i just want some pussy ima wrap up twice then tf " tyler said laughing. "Im jawnin yall chill but she go for any nigga she see, i want someone who out the way but for now ima just fuck folks" tyler shrugged.

"Mane nigga you hell, but aye aint that jayla and he crew " jordan said catching jayla and her two friends across the court bothering a group of boys who wasn't going for them.

"Bro let me go for she start bothering my ass, i'a see yall boys later, love" asante said before walking off to his house before jayla stopped him.

As he began to walk to his house, his phone began to ring, notifying him that someone was facetiming him. Seeing it was amoura, he answered it almost immediately as a smile grew on his face.

"Yo wassup moura " asante said into his airpods when the phone answered. "Hi sante, sorry i fell asleep, what are you doing " her soft voice bounced off his ears, everytime he heard her voice his heart melted. "I was at the court with the boys, im on my way home now, what about you" he spoke. " i started my cycle earlier so im hungry and hurting" she groaned in her bed.

"Want me to get you some food ma" asante asked, he didn't want to see her feeling bad at all. "Yes please, if you can i have been craving chipotle" she pouted. " ight ma lemme take a shower ill be over there soon as i can with some food" he said as he reached his front door and opened it.

the two said their goodbyes and asante went into his bathroom and took a quick shower before getting dressed and getting into his car, driving to walmart. He decided to get some of her favorite snacks and making one of those "girlfriend baskets " he saw on tiktok to cheer his girlfriend up.

Once finally parked outside of walmart, he got out and started walking towards the entrance. He walked in grabbing a buggy before heading towards the snack section.

15 minutes later, and all of her favorite snacks sat in the cart which consisted of goldfish extra chedder, hot fries, a tub of cookies and cream ice cream, two strawberry and banana smoothies, airheads, sourpatch watermelons and cookies and cream chocolate bars and also grabbing a basket to put it in.

He checked out all of his items and went to the car and through them in the backseat. Now, he was headed to chipotle to get her chipotle burrito bowl. Once he was done with that, he drove to her house and parked in her driveway.

Before going in he grabbed the basket and everything out the bags and organized the snacks in the basket making it look pretty. Once he was done, he grabbed the basket and the chipotle bag and knocked on her door.

After a few minutes, Amoura's mother, shawna answered the door. Asante and shawna had met already so it was awkward to talk to her or anything. "Hey asante, she's upstairs but she isn't feeling well, im sure she'll love that" shawna said averting her eyes to the basket the boy made for her full of snacks and some small accessories in the front of it.

"Thanks ms. Wright" he said heading up the stairs and towards her bedroom door. He knocked twice before hearing a soft " come in " come from the girl inside. He opened the door, smiling as he watched amouras face go from a frown to a smile when she saw what was in his hand.

"Omg sante you didn't have to!" She squealed getting up out of her bed to hug him tightly as he put the stuff down on the bed. "Ofcourse i did mama, you dont feel good so im cheering you up" he said while hugging her back.

she was happy that all of her favorite snacks and things were inside of it. asante handed her the bag with her chipotle burrito in it and watched as she tore it open and began to eat it.

the two watched movies and shows for the rest of the day and ate snacks in hopes to cheer her up. asante and amoura both knew they were feeling each other heavy, it was just a matter of time before it comes to light.


this just a filler cause im sick as shit yall i hate it here!!

but vote and comment i love yall !!

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