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"There's my favourite girl" as soon as Meis opened her apartment door I was welcomed with a big hug.

I love hugs, especially from Meis.

"Soph wouldn't really like to hear that" I laugh and when she opens the door wider I go inside. After taking my coat off I hang it in the closet and we both walk into the small kitchen.

Her house is very beautiful, old furniture and a lot of strange things that she collects. One of the things I really like are the crystals she has in the kitchen by the windowsill.

"Well, sit down and make yourself at home, and I'll go make us some tea and bring you a piece of cake" she smiles softly before turning around and opening a drawer where she keeps tea's.

Sometimes I really think how she can always keep her bright smile with her when in reality she has no one to talk to, and I know that she feels lonely.

She once mentioned that she has a son, that doesn't care about her. She didn't say exactly that, but she told me that he never visits her, nor calls her. Actually he knows where she lives, but he's too 'lazy' to visit her.

And that actually breaks my heart. Meis is a very beautiful soul, a really caring one, and she doesn't deserve anything bad that had happened to her.

I smile brightly at her and walk towards her living room. I sit on the couch and cross my legs, patiently waiting for her and that piece of cake that I'm dying to taste.

She's a really good cook, especially when it comes to sweets. God, I love her sweets. She makes really amazing pancakes. Cakes too.

Me on the other hand, I suck at cooking, honestly. If I would go in the kitchen to make some food, I would probably burn down not only the food but also the whole house.

So I usually order food.

After a while of waiting Meis comes into the living room with two cups in her hands. She places both of them on the small table in from of me and walks back to the kitchen.

Then she comes back with two plates in her hands and places them on the table. Then again she walks back into the kitchen, and comes back with a huge place of cake.

I make some room on the table for the cake to fit, and she places the plate with the cake on the table, before sitting next to me.

Taking the kitchen knife from the table I slice the cake and place one piece in Meis plate, the other in mine.

"Well, tell me, how's your day been" she asks taking her cup of tea in both of her hands.

"Not really much to talk about, Atlas called when I was at work, said whenever I want, I can call him at any time and he will come to visit me" I chuckle at the thought of Atlas.

I really want him to visit me, but I don't want to bother him. After I left he got a job, a pretty good one. He is a lawyer's assistant, he helps the lawyer with all kinds of cases.

And I'm actually really happy for him, honestly. It's just, I simply don't want him to worry about me. I know that this work is important to him, that's why I don't say anything because if he visits me for a few weeks, he will be far behind his case which they are solving now.

"And what about his case that you told me about, is the case over?" She asks and takes a sip of her tea. I take mine from the table and blow a little to cool it down.

"No, they're still working on it, they still can't find the killer"I take a sip of my tea and place it down on the table. "But you know, I'm really happy for Atlas, I never imagined him in this position, lawyer's assistant" It is a very big deal, and I can't even express how happy I am for him.

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