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The same day Nora saw the news.

I woke up by the loud banging noise. I quickly shot up from the bed and rubbed my eyes.

"Tom, das musst du sehen!" Then another bang on the door. I walked towards the door and unlocked it. When I saw Bill panting like a dog, I raised an eyebrow.
(translation: Tom, you have to see this!)

"Was?" I ask and yawn, walking back to my bed, while Bill closes the door and shakes his head.
(translation: What?)

"Tom, weißt du, was los ist? Hm?" Bill almost yells at me and my eyes widen. He was angry.
(translation: Tom, do you know what's going on? Hm?)

"Ich habe keine ahnung." I gulp when I see him glare at me. What's going on.
(translation: I have no idea)

"Sie haben keine Ahnung? Hast du an Nora gedacht? Hast du darüber nachgedacht, wie sie reagieren wird!" He yells and scoffs. "Tom, das ist kein Spielplatz, sie hat verdammte Gefühle."
(translation: You have no idea? Have you thought about Nora? Have you thought about how she's going to react! Tom, this isn't a playground, she has damn feelings.)

I know I should've called Nora, but I didn't because we were really busy, and yesterday was finally our 'do whatever you want' night. I don't even remember what happened last night, only that I had a few drinks and talked with Georg.

"Ich habe keine Ahnung, wovon du sprichst." I sigh and bite my lower lip, trying to remember everything that had happened yesterday. He laughs and shakes his head, but the laugh was sarcastic.
(translation: I have no idea what you're talking about)

"Sie wollen mir also sagen, dass Sie die Artikel nicht gesehen haben?" He yells again, making me look at him, with furrowed eyebrows.
(translation: So you're telling me you haven't seen the articles?)

What articles?

I shake my head and he scoffs again, grabbing remote from the table and turning the tv on.

"Breaking news, our known 'Tokio Hotel' bands guitarist Tom Kaulitz was seen with American singer Chantelle Paige."

He changes the chanel and turns to me, with his arms crossed.

"Singer,Chantelle Paige was seen with Tom Kaulitz, he is from very known German band 'Tokio Hotel', they were both seen holding hands, and even kissing." They went on and on with their fucking news.

"Care to explain?" He asks, now talking in english. My eyes were still on the tv.

What the actual fuck.

"Scheiße." I curse and look at Bill, who's eyes never left me.
(translation: fuck)

"Tom, think about today's interview, think about fucking Nora, how broken she feels." He places the remote back down on the table, and walks towards the door. "We'll leave soon, go get ready." And he slammed the door shut.

As I sit on the bed, looking at one stop I try to remember what happened yesterday, but I can't. How did I end up leaving the club with Chantelle?

As we sit in the restaurant, I glance at her, she was laughing. I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my lips. Her laugh is cute.

"Tom, don't look at me like that." She laughs again, leaning towards me a little. I place my hand on her thigh and smile, shaking my head.

"Look at you like what?" She stops laughing and stares at me, with a little smile. Chantelle stands up, grabbing my hands, and I stand up with her. She leads us out of the restaurant and then turns to me.

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