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As I drove home from Sarah's, I thought a lot about today. So much happened in one day.

It turns out the world is not as big as I imagined. Sarah knows Nora, Ryle knows Nora.

Sarah mentioned that she was Nora's best friend, but after that night, the two of them never saw each other again.

Ryle was Nora's boyfriend. He was.

I just don't understand how Nora didn't know that Ryle 'died'. She wasn't even at his funeral.

Or she's lying to me and knew Ryle's plan. But then Sarah lied to me too. She fed me lies about Nora and how Ryle 'hurt' her. But why?

I don't know who to believe, everything collapsed so suddenly that I don't even have time to take a fucking breath.

I returned home quite late, turned on the kitchen lights and took a large bottle of whiskey from the upper cabinet.

After I poured the liquid into a glass, I brought the glass to my lips and with one large gulp the whiskey in the glass was gone. I just hissed at the burning in my throat. And I drank until there wasn't anything left in the bottle.

I feel so fucking hurt. I still can't believe Ryle is really alive.

"Tom." I turned away from the counter only to see a tired Bill who leaned against the door frame as he stared at me.

"Was?" I sighed and turned to the counter again. The bottle that was full of whiskey was gone. How long have I been standing here and drinking?

I'm so tired of everything. The only thing I know is that I want to sleep.

Tomorrow I'll have to go to Nora's flower shop and really talk to her, because she didn't want to today.

"Are you okay? I haven't seen you this drunk since-"

"Ryle's death, yes I know." I chuckled and then shook my head. "You know, the funny thing is." I made a long pause and turned my head to look at Bill. "He's alive."

It just accidentally came out of my mouth. I really didn't want to tell him about Ryle today.

I blame alcohol.

"Tom-" he pushed himself away from the wall and took a few steps forward. "look, I know it's not easy for you right now, but you don't know what you're talking about." He was now standing next to me and I turned my whole body towards him again.

Before I could say anything else, he started to talk again. "I know it's still hard for you to accept the fact that Ryle died, believe me, it's very hard for us too-"

"He's alive!" I yelled out, but shook my head again with a scoff. "I saw him."

Why he doesn't believe me?

"What?" He slowly asked, like he couldn't believe what he just heard. "What are you talking about?"

"I saw him today, in the flower shop that Nora works in." I could've told him tomorrow. But no. "Plus I was at Sarah's, she told me everything about Ryle's ex-girlfriend. And that that girl is fucking Nora."

I think Bill had to think carefully about what to say or do next, because he looked like he saw a ghost when I told him what has been bothering me for three hours. He only turned to look at the window for a few seconds and then back at me.

"What the fuck."



When I got home from work, I finally had time to lie down with my two cats on the bed and think about everything that had happened today.

Sophie texted me that she'll be here at my place soon. We both realised that we don't spend that much time together like we used to. And I miss her.

These few days were very hard and tiring for me, because of Ryle. I think about him all the time and it doesn't help that he shows up in my work.

I want to forget him, I really do. But how can I forget him if he follows me everywhere, he knows where I work and fucking live. I'm not really safe in my apartment.

I'm really afraid that the next time I see him near my apartment he will do something to me. But I know him. He won't hurt me. Right?

When I heard the doorbell ring, I closed my eyes and I took a deep breath hoping it wasn't Ryle but Sophie.

trying not to make any sound, I pushed the sheets away from my body and slowly placed my feet on the floor.

When I stood up quickly, my head started spinning, so I sat back down.

But then I gathered all my 'strength' to stand up, slipped my feet into my pink bunny slippers and fixed my shirt.

I carefully walked towards my bedroom door and opened it slowly. I didn't even notice how the cats jumped off the bed and quickly ran through the door.

I went downstairs yawning, as I felt myself getting even more sleepy than before. Today was a very tiring day.

When I opened my apartment door open, I stumbled back a little, surprised when Sophie actually ran and clung into me.

"I have so much to tell you." Her voice was quiet. Sophie sniffled and hugged me tighter, as her head was pressed to my chest. Not wanting to let her go, I hugged her back, and closed the door with my feet.

"What happened?" I asked as I tried to shush her when she let out a small sob. I was a bit confused why she was so sad. Today morning Sophie was smiling and laughing, but now I hate to see her like this. It looked like she was crying for hours.

"Ryle-" she sobbed out as she squeezed me tighter. I closed my eyes and sighed. That's what I feared the most.

That Ryle will do something to Sophie.

Sorry for not uploading, I didn't have any time.

But I'll try to upload more.

What do you think Ryle did to Sophie?

I'll see you in the next chapter,

Tschüss ✮

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