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The next morning, Phoebe was awoken by her phone buzzing nonstop. She lifted her head from its place on Regina's chest, smiling down at the blonde who was still asleep. She carefully turned over, careful not to wake Regina, and took her phone off the nightstand. Her eyes widened as she checked the notifications - 30 missed calls from Janis, 10 missed calls from Aaron (shit, she thought, I left him stranded at the party), and around a hundred messages from various people. Phoebe then carefully escaped from Regina's grip, tiptoeing to the bathroom.

Closing the door behind her, she immediately called Janis back. After the dial tone sounded for a while, Janis picked up.

"What the fuck?!" Janis exclaimed. Phoebe jumped at the sudden loud outburst in her ear.
"I know, sorry."
"Since when were you dating Regina? Better yet, why didn't you tell me? We're best friends, you're supposed to tell me these kinds of things."
"Sorry, sorry. Regina wanted to keep it secret because she wasn't ready to come out so I was just respecting her wishes."
"You know, Phoebe, you've been acting super distant lately. It's like I don't even know what's happening in you life anymore or who you even are."
"Okay, Janis. That's a little dramatic. This is the only thing I've kept secret from you." Phoebe countered.
"Dramatic? We're supposed to be friends! You promised never to keep secrets! But I guess our friendship means nothing to you so I hope you're happy with Regina because you can't hang out with us anymore."
Phoebe scoffed, "Fine, if you want to be that dramatic over something so small, then I'm glad I'm not hanging out with you anymore."
"Fine!" Janis hung up.

Phoebe sighed; she knew she shouldn't have lied about Regina but Janis was being too over dramatic. That's the thing about Janis: she burned bridges immediately with anyone who wronged her. She had first done it with Regina, and now she did it with Phoebe. Phoebe sat on the closed toilet, for a while, staring blankly at the wall. She didn't know what to do; on one hand, she wanted to regain her friendship with Janis, but on the other hand she didn't see what she had done that was so wrong.

A while later, a knock on the door pulled Phoebe out of her thoughts. "Hey, you alright? I heard yelling." Regina asked from the other side.
"Yep, be out in a sec!" Phoebe responded, putting on a cheerful voice.

She then exited the bathroom. Regina, who was sitting at the edge of her bed waiting for Phoebe, looked up at her and saw the woeful look on Phoebe's face. She frowned.
"What's wrong?" Regina asked sincerely.
"I guess Janis caught wind that we were together and now she's really pissed at me because firstly she hates you and secondly she's mad I kept a secret from her." Phoebe's voice faltered. Regina's frown grew deeper, pitying the brunette. She patted the spot next to her, urging Phoebe to sit down. Phoebe did, and Regina wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry," She said, resting her head atop Phoebe's, "That's a shitty situation.?
"It's fine, that's just Janis. She immediately holds grudges against anyone who does her wrong. The worst part is, I don't see where what I did was so wrong? She knew I had a crush on you for years and she seemed okay with it, so now that I'm actually with you why is she so unhappy?"
"You had a crush on me for years?" Regina teased as Phoebe pushed her playfully, "But yeah, I think Janis is in the wrong, personally."
"Are you just saying that because you have to be on my side?"
"No," Regina defended, "I seriously do not see where you went wrong. If anything, it's on me for making you keep us a secret."
"No, no. You weren't ready to come out yet and that's fine! It was my decision to be with you despite that." Phoebe countered. "Anyways, looks like I'm officially a loner. She said I can't hang out with them anymore." Phoebe sighed.

"Oh, well. Now that we're out you can come sit with us!" Regina offered. Phoebe smiled.
"Okay, that sounds nice! Will Gretchen and Karen like me, though? Gretchen seemed pretty mad last night."
"Please, those two do whatever I say." She laughed.

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