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Regina and Phoebe were the last to arrive at the fro-yo place. Janis rolled her eyes at the two as they strolled in, "Fancy seeing you two here!" She said sarcastically.

"Oh, come on! We're only a couple minutes later!" Regina retorted as they sat down in the booth. Janis snickered, then walked off to order, not without asking Phoebe what she wanted first.
"Ummm, Blueberry with a Baked Cheesecake mix in please?" Phoebe asked, her mouth already watering, "I'll give you the cash tomorrow."
"No, no, don't worry. It's on me!" Janis replied, unusually perky. Phoebe grinned in gratitude, while Regina looked between the two, confused.
"What? Since when does she offer to pay?" Regina wondered out loud.
Phoebe shrugged, "Just being nice." Regina raised her eyebrow, but then went up to order for herself.

Regina lined up behind Janis, tapping her on the shoulder. "What are you up to?" Regina asked as Janis spinned around to face her.
Janis screwed up her face, "Can't I just be nice?"
"No, you're, well, you!"
"It's just, I still feel really really bad for wronging Phoebe, and wanna make it up to her so I just keep doing acts of service or whatever."
Regina frowned sympathetically, "Well, if it's any consolation, I really think she has pretty much forgiven you. Even when you two were fighting I could tell she really missed you."
Janis slightly smiled, comforted by the blonde's words, "Thanks, that was nice of you."
"Hey, you're my girlfriend's best friend. I have to be nice to you." She jokingly rolled her eyes as Janis laughed.

Phoebe looked at the two girls laughing, smiling to herself. She was glad they were seemingly getting along.

Regina and Janis walked back together, Regina holding her own fro-yo while Janis held hers, Damien's and Phoebe's. They sat down, Regina on one side of Phoebe and Janis on the other. Janis handed Phoebe her fro-yo as the girl hummed in delight, "Mmm thank you." Janis smiled in return.

Gretchen and Karen, who had already ordered and started eating, sat quietly and awkwardly. They had still not told anyone about their relationship yet besides Regina. Gretchen scooted her chair closer to Karen, who smiled shyly at her secret partner. Regina was watching them do this and let out an "Awww." Gretchen and Karen blushed, quickly pretending to do something else. Phoebe took notice of this and asked, "Wait, what's going on?"

"They're dating!" Regina exposed them.
Phoebe looked at the two girls, "Is that true?" She asked.
Gretchen raised her eyebrows at Regina, whining, "Hey, Regina! We said not to tell anyone yet!"
"Sorry, you guys are just too cute! And I wanna be able to go on double dates!" Regina gushed.
"Yes! Oh my god it'll be so fun!" Phoebe also said.
Karen and Gretchen smiled at each other, "We should!" Karen spoke excitedly, grabbing Gretchen's hand, "Maybe we could go mini golfing!"
"But you guys can't tell anyone that we're dating, we're not ready to be public yet." Gretchen warned everyone at the table; Janis shook her head, silently saying that she wouldn't.

The six were silent as they ate their respective fro-yos. Every now and then Regina would sneak a bit of Phoebe's fro yo and Phoebe would lightly slap her hand away, then retaliating by taking some of hers - which didn't taste nearly as good so Phoebe let Regina have some more of hers. Regina soon after broke the silence. "Hey, do you guys wanna come back to mine after this? We could have a movie night!"
"Yes! Sounds great!" Phoebe exclaimed.
"Sure!" Janis said hesitantly.
"Yes!" Damien exclaimed gasping, eager to see the rich girl's mansion. Gretchen and Karen both nodded.

"Okay, meet you guys back there?" She asked. Everyone nodded. Again, Phoebe headed with Regina in her car while the others stopped at home to get change. "You can just get changed at mine," Regina told her, "Lord knows you've probably left a shirt there at least one time." Phoebe blushed as they drove off to the blonde's house.

World Burn - Regina George [COMPLETE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora