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In PE, Regina and Phoebe had to keep up the facade that they were still broken up, so when they were yet again paired up, both faked a begrudging moan as they moved closer to each other.

"Nice necklace," Regina whispered, smirking at the 'R' chain around her girlfriend's neck. Phoebe blushed, looking down and holding the pendant between her fingers.
"Yeah, I absentmindedly put it on this motioning. Almost got busted by Janis but luckily I could convince her it was a P. Those hickeys you left, though? They were a different story." Phoebe jokingly scolded. Regina blushed, thinking back to last night.
"Last night was good, until my mom walked in," Regina cringed, "We'll have to pick up where we left off sometime soon." She winked. Phoebe's face burned red.

When Gretchen soon after approached the girls, Phoebe reverted back to her fake hateful state. "Oh, no. It's okay, I told her about it. She won't tell anyone, promise." Regina reassured. Gretchen nodded quickly.
"Oh, okay. So does she know about the plan?"
"What plan?" Gretchen said, inadvertently answering Phoebe's question.
"Oh, nothing!" Regina quickly said. Gretchen raised an eyebrow, did they know she was a part of it? Oh, god!

Gretchen then backed away slowly, going back to her partner. Regina turned to Phoebe, "She cannot know about the plan! She's a total blabber mouth and, just between you and me, I saw her talking to Cady the other day and it looked like they were talking about us. So I'm not sure I trust her." Regina revealed. Phoebe's mouth formed an 'o' shape in surprise.
"Do you think she was in on the plan?"
"No, she's too much of a pushover to ever go against me, but she's definitely in kahoots with the others." Regina said, looking at Gretchen, who had been acting extremely strange lately. Phoebe nodded in agreement, now also suspicious of the perky girl.

"Hey, do you wanna come over to mine tonight? We're making pesto pasta for dinner!" Phoebe asked while in the middle of their yoga stretches.
Regina hummed, keeping a half focus on her tree pose, "Yum, I love pesto pasta! Yes, I'd love to." Phoebe grinned in response, moving into downward dog.
"Great! It'll just be you, me and Aaron. Is that okay? Mom's working late again."
"Yup, sounds good! Maybe then we can get some alone time..." Regina hinted. Phoebe blushed, falling out of position. Regina laughed at her, which drew attention to them. She then said, "Hah, loser" to save face. Phoebe rolled her eyes, 'sorry' Regina mouthed. They then went back to their stretches.

Soon after, it was the end of class and also the end of school. The two girls parted ways, making plans to meet at Phoebe's in an hour. Phoebe went off in Janis' car while Regina drove her two friends home.

"So, are you and Phoebe back together?" Gretchen inquired.
"Well, yes. But don't tell anyone, we're keeping it low key this time." Regina said, leaving out the key detail that they had been forming a revenge plan on Cady.
"Oh, nice! We could totally go on double dates then!" Gretchen exclaimed.
"Me and Karen, and you and Phoebe! Not like that though, just I mean we can all go out together!" Gretchen backtracked, flustered. Karen looked over to her, smiling shyly. While Regina was preoccupied with her and Phoebe's broken relationship, Gretchen and Karen had grown closer and became more than friends. The girls shared a look, which Regina picked up on.

"Wait, are you two dating?" Regina exclaimed. Gretchen shyly nodded. Regina squealed "That's so cute!" Gretchen grinned, relieved her friend was supportive of them.
"We're not ready to be out yet, so don't tell anyone." Gretchen warned as Karen nodded along from the backseat. Regina nodded at the girl, smiling.


Later on, Regina knocked on Phoebe's door. She had parked one street away so that no one saw her car outside Phoebe's house and she seriously regretted it, having to hike the streets in her Louboutin heels. "Ugh," she scoffed, her ankles aching as she stood outside the door, waiting for Phoebe to open it.

Phoebe then flung the door open, her face lighting up at the sight of the blonde. "Hey!" She greeted, pulling Regina in. Regina smiled at the brunette. Aaron mumbled a quick hey from his spot on the couch, which Regina returned, smiling politely. Phoebe then pulled her up to her room, shutting the door behind them. Regina flopped down on Phoebe's freshly made bed. She looked around Phoebe's room, taking in all the trinkets and posters she had scattered around. She noticed that Phoebe had obviously tidied her room in anticipation for Regina coming over, which made her smile.

"What're you smiling about?" Phoebe asked.
"Oh, nothing." Regina trailed off, still grinning. Phoebe then flopped down on top of Regina, which sent Regina into a laughing fit. Phoebe jokingly writhed around which made Regina laugh harder. Phoebe then turned over, laying on her back next to Regina. They sat like that in silent bliss for a while until Phoebe broke it, saying "Well, I've gotta get started on dinner. It's getting late." She slammed her hands down on the bed, using them to push her up off the bed.

"Oh, I can help if you want?" Regina offered.
"Sure! We have to make the pesto from scratch because it's better that way." She said, in a 'duh' tone. Regina laughed at her pickiness, following Phoebe downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Oh, your kitchen's so cute!" Regina complimented, looking around at the small kitchen that was also full of trinkets and decoration.
"Thanks," Phoebe laughed, knowing what 'cute' meant; Regina thought its was quaint and small compared to her own.
"Hey, I mean it! Your house has so much character. Mine is so white and bland," Regina said, disgusted, "I mean, it's like a showroom, not an actual lived in house." Phoebe laughed, rolling her eyes jokingly. She then went to her pantry, getting out the ingredients for the pesto. She measured them out and put them in the food processor as Regina just watched.

Phoebe chuckled, "Hey, you gonna help or what?"
Regina was knocked out of her thoughts, "Oh, sorry. What do you need me to do?"
"Uhh you could grab some basil from the bag in the fridge?" Phoebe suggested. Regina obliged, opening the fridge. She studied all of the food they had in the fridge as she looked for the basil. She finally found it after some searching, and pulled it out.

"Okay, great! Now just put some in the processor." Phoebe said, motioning to the appliance in front of what she was doing. Regina obliged, but decided to lean over Phoebe to do so. Phoebe laughed, being squashed into the bench by Regina. Once Regina had finished her duty, she then snaked an arm around Phoebe's waist, expertly spinning the shorter brunette around. Phoebe let out a giggle, shocked. Regina then leant down and pressed her lips against Phoebe's, who immediately kissed back.

"Ew, not near the food!" They were interrupted by Aaron entering the room, disgusted. They pulled apart, embarrassed, and Phoebe put the lid on the food processor, then proceeding to turn it on.
"How long until dinner?" Aaron asked.
"Well, I just have to boil the spaghetti and cook some garlic bread, so maybe 15 minutes?" Phoebe estimated. Aaron groaned impatiently. Phoebe rolled her eyes.

Less than 15 minutes later, dinner was ready. The three headed to the living room to eat their dinner on the couch. Phoebe and Regina sat together on one couch while Aaron sat by himself on the other. They all silently watched the TV - which was playing a soccer game - as they ate their dinner.

Once they were all done, Phoebe returned the dishes to the kitchen, about to wash them up when Regina's arm snaked around her waist again. "Don't worry, I'll do it." Regina mumbled in Phoebe's ear, leading her back out to the living room and then returning to the kitchen.
"Thanks!" Phoebe called out, grateful for Regina's gesture.

After Regina finished, she returned to her position next to Phoebe on the couch. Phoebe leaned into Regina's side, tired. Regina smiled down at the girl, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and hugging her closer. Phoebe then dozed off soon after. Regina, noticing this, smiled even wider at the peacefully girl.

Unfortunately, Regina's phone buzzing jolted Phoebe awake. "Shit, sorry." Regina quickly said, hopping up and answering her phone. Phoebe looked up at her as she walked away, still groggy.

A little while later, Regina re entered the room, "Sorry, I've gotta go. Tomorrow I'm going to my dad's new house so I've gotta pack."
"Oh, okay. Bye!" Phoebe said. Regina waved at her, placing a quick kiss on Phoebe's cheek before walking out the door.

Aaron looked over to Phoebe, a disgusted look on his face, "You two are so cringey." He said. Phoebe just grinned, madly in love.

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