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She didn't expect to find the Detective Agency on her internship list.
She didn't even expect to accept it.
She didn't expect either to find herself facing Shinso Hitoshi in the train.
Nor did she expect for the now world wide renowned model Nakahara Chuuya to be waiting for them at the station.

The man was wearing formal wear, like he always did, paired with hat and gloves. He immediately zeroed onto them, a smile creeping onto his face.

(Uraraka may have developed a small crush this very instant.)

«- Here you are,» he called.

Nakahara studied them, his eyes trailing from their luggages to their eyes, passing by their clothes and Uraraka's hero costume suitcase.

«- Well, come on then,» he went on, « let's leave this place and do something of the afternoon. Don't think you want to sleep here.»

Shinso and her scrambled for their things, hastily following Nakahara, who was really fast despite his size. The two of them quickly found themselves in the backseat of a car, then on the fourth floor of a building, their luggages trailing behind them.

«- Chuuya-san !!»

A young woman with white and red hair supporting square glasses popped up in front of them.

«- Chuuya-san, thank God you're here ! Dazai-san, he-»

Manic laughter echoed down the corridor. Nakahara scowled, before stomping towards the office. Most workers had already left it for the security of wherever but inside, waiting by the doors.

And, on the main desk, stood... Well, stood Dazai Osamu-san, official leader of the Detective Agency, who was definitely high on something good.

«- What was it, this time ?» sighed Nakahara.

«- The mushrooms, Sir,» answered swiftly the young woman, « Eri-chan came to warn us he was cooking.»

The red head pinched the bridge of his nose.

«- Thank you, Fuyumi-chan.» he threw a glance to his watch. « Why don't you all take your lunch break ? You could take Eri with you, and get to know the interns.»

Fuyumi immediately zeroed onto them, as if she'd just seen them - which she probably did.

«- Of course, Sir. Good luck.»

Nakahara grumbled something, and the office's door closed behind him. The young woman turned towards them with a wide smile.

«- I'm Todoroki Fuyumi, nice to meet you ! You can leave your luggages here, Chuuya-san and Dazai-san own the whole floor.»

That wasn't as reassuring as it was meant to be. But they did it anyway. Uraraka suddenly ticked.

«- Uhm, sorry for asking, Todoroki-san, but are you related to Todoroki Shoto ? He's in my class...»

The woman looked delighted.

«- Of course ! Shoto is my little brother ! And call me Fuyumi, everybody does.»

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