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Some things never changed.¹⁰

Lost in his thoughts and reflections, he let himself be lulled by the sounds of fingers tapping onto claviers, of paperwork shuffling, and of quiet conversations.

His eyes snapped open, and he barged into Chuuya's office.

«- I have a bad feeling.»

The ginger didn't even look up from whatever he was doing.

«- Mm-hm. What about ? Your next suicide attempt, or Earth's rotation axes ?»

«- No, Chuuya, it's about U.A's training camp.»

That got the red head attention. The Hat rack looked up, weary, putting down his pen.

«- What about it ?»

«- Think. Two entire classes, in a remote location, with only two teachers and a trio of second zome Heroes.»

«- You just said it, Dazai, they have five Heroes for... Okay, for forty something students.»

They stared at eachother. Chuuya bend first, as usual.

«- Well, what are you waiting for ? Go ask Fuyumi if she knows something, I'll find you the Rat's number.»

Dazai bolted out of the office. No time to waist.

«- Fuyumi !»

The white haired woman looked up, like the entire office. Just like the Armed Detective Agency before them, they knew that when he got serious, things got usually serious.

«- Do you know where U.A's training camp is held ?»

«- No- I, they kept the location hidden,» she answered, going paler with each second.

Dazai cursed and turned around.

«- Chuuya ! I need Nedzu's number now !»

«- On the phone right in front of you, Idiot !»

Said phone ringed, and he quickly took a hold of it.

«- Dazai-san. A pleasure. What can I do for you ?»

«- Where are you holding the first year's training camp ?»

No need to loose any more time.

«- Why do you need this information.»

Nedzu's tone had turned cold.

«- Because the League of Villains is going to attack them, and neither you nor I want to know what is going to happen. The camp's location, Nedzu.»

A ting was heard through the call, and the Rat cursed. Dazai gritted his teeth.

«- It seems you're a little late, Detective. Eraser just send us an S.O.S.»

Dazai cursed once more and quickly noted the location given to him. Fuck, that was far.


«- Inside voice, Bastard,» answered his partner who already had his keys in hand. « We'll take the bike, it'll be faster. Fuyumi, Natsume, you're in charge.»



It was as if Q had been set free.

Blue fire illuminated the night, burning the forest. Students came tumbling out of the trees, looking more or less in good shape.

Out of the five Heroes, two were H.S, the telepath of the Wild Pussy Cats couldn't move to maintain the connection with those who were still stuck, and Vlad King was the one protecting the rest.

Eraserhead was most likely in the forest, trying to get his students out.

«- MANDALAY !» called Dazai, not even off Chuuya's bike, « CALL BACK THE STUDENTS AND TELL ERASER BACK UP HAS ARRIVED !»

The brown haired woman didn't loose any time turning around to look at him with wide eyes, like Vlad King and the students did.

«- Dazai ! Nakahara !»

Dazai jumped off the bike, which Chuuya stopped with a screech before joining him.

«- 'Take the Door' ?»

«- 'Take the Door'.»¹¹

The Hat rack pushed his coat off his shoulders and rapidly tied his hair to keep them out of his face.

«- Try not to get yourself killed, Shit head, I'd hate to loose money on your funerals.»

«- How rude. Go for the centre, I'll take out the ones on the sides.»

«- Got it.»

And with that, they were gone, dashing through the tree like they were sixteen again.

One after another, Dazai took out the second zone Villains hired most likely for diversion. He send back to camp harshly all the kids that thought it'd be a good idea to follow him like ducklings.

The blue fire was eagerly eating the trees ; even if Chuuya had managed to take out its creator, the flames had too many material to be stopped with him.

He worked in spiral, progressively coming closer to the eye of the storm. Shouts and fighting could be heard, always coming louder.

He finally reached the heart of the debacle ; just in time for his heart to stop.

Shigaraki was already walking through a portal with the core of his League. Compress, or Atsushiro Sako if their files were right, was holding to marbles in his hand, taunting the students.¹²

Said marbles glowed red, and flew out of his fingers. The man let out a startled shout, only for Shigaraki to turn around and shriek at him.


Half threw the portal himself, Sako obeyed. With a snap of fingers, Chuuya was reduced to a red marble in the Villains hand. The portal closed.

They were gone.


¹⁰: it's not because it ain't the ada that dazai's going to do his paperwork.

¹¹: i had no idea how to name one of their strategies. I even went to the wiki which was totally useless (seriously, we need an article on soukoku as a duo and on their strategies).
so 'take the door', first named 'out of the nest' is a traduction of divide and conquer.

¹²: you're going to ask why he wasn't arrested if they had a file on him.
first, they have files on all open supporters of stain (rapid remainder that denki found him cool).
second, they can't just arrest someone because he agreed with a vision of society and wears an alias.

¹³: bakugo was their initial objective, but would you take an angry pomeranian over an op 'quirk' you can offer to afo on a platter ?
no, i think not.

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