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So he was really surprised to find Dazai, lounging on the couch with a book at four in the morning.

Because the Agency wasn't in Musutafu, but in Yokohama, the couple of detectives had offered them a place to stay for the internship.

«- Oh, hello, Shinso-kun,» called Dazai. « An early riser, aren't we ?»

The boy couldn't help but blush and nod.

«- There's coffee, tea, and chocolate. But I'm afraid you'll have to wait for Chuuya to be awake for breakfast.»

So Shinso poured himself some coffee, and went to seat on the couch, borrowing a book on his way.

Two hours later, Nakahara stumbled in, collapsed on Dazai, before going back up, making himself some tea and preparing breakfast.

At six thirty, it was Uraraka's turn to arrive, with her hair brushed in a tentative of looking put together.

At seven, Eri walked in like a zombie, hopped onto one of the counter's stools, and stared blearily as a full plate and a mug of chocolate appeared in front of her.

«- So !» Dazai clapped his hands together. « Today's program !» (Uraraka and him stood a little straighter) « Chibi will be in charge, and I'll join once I'll have brought Eri to school.»

The two teenagers turned towards the small ginger. Uh...

«- Put on something practical,» he told them, his blue eyes icy on the edge, « and not that costume of yours, Uraraka.»

So that's what they did. Not so long after, they found themselves in what looked like a dojo, small size - seriously, how come they had the place to put an Agency, a four rooms apartment AND a training ground on one single floor ?!?

Nakahara stood in front of them, looking nothing like the fragile little thing showed in magazines. With his arms crossed over his chest and his fiery looks, he made Shinso want to run and hide as far as possible. He really regretted Dazai wasn't back already.

«- I'm pretty sure you already know that, but I'll say it again just in case,» he began ominously. « Our Agency has received a license from the government that allows us to use our Quirks.» he paused. « However. Dazai and I firmly believe that Quirks are only to be used in case of true necessity ; this is why all our employees have a formation in hand-to-hand combat.»

Shinso blinked, and he saw from the corner of his eye that Uraraka was more or less having the same face than him.

«- Unfortunately for you, I am the Agency resident martial arts master, and I'm not going to go easy on you.»⁵



Why had he thought it would be a good idea to accept this internship, again ?

Ochako - they now were on first name basis after all the horrors they went threw - and him were sprawled on the ground, sweating, heaving and panting. A few meters away, the ginger monster™ was standing there, looking as if he was waiting for a photoshoot.

«- Chibi-chan~» came the voice of their Lord and Saviour, « gimme the interns, it's my turn with them.»

Nakahara made a 'tch' like sound, before turning on his heels.

«- I'm not a monster, Bastard. They're done for the day anyway.»

Shinso couldn't help the moan of relief he let out when the slave driver disappeared. Ikki-sensei chuckled next to him, handing them water and ice for their bruises.

«- Relax, it'll be over soon. We all went through this, and honestly, it's worth it in the end.»

The two teenagers pushed themselves up. Dazai was waiting for them, seated on a chair. He smirked, and once more, Shinso questioned his life choices.

«- Now that the Hat rack is gone, we can go back to using our brains.»


While the detective smirked like a cat facing the cream, the two teenagers and Ikki-sensei winced at the roar.

«- Now, question time ! Why did we chose you for an internship ?»

Uh. Good question. It was well known that the Agency never took any interns, whether they coming from a Hero school, a normal school, etc.

«- Uuh... You thought we were interesting ?» tried Ochako.

«- Mmh~ yes, but no.»

«- You found our Quirks interesting ?» tempted Shinso.

«- Mmh~ yes, but no.»

They glared at the man, who was wearing an infuriating cheshire smile. He sighed.

«- Well, seems we overestimated you two a little~» he paused, growing serious. « In the Agency, we hire people because they are smart and capable, not because of their Quirks. When we saw the two of you during the festival, Chuuya and I estimated you were both, and that you deserved a chance.»⁶

He threw them a leveled look, making sure his words were thinking in.

«- Nowadays, Heroes do not need to be intelligent. Neither do small Villains. But true criminals need to be, if they don't want to be caught. In this internship, we will teach you how to think, in a way that'll allow you to overthrow your adversaries with the good strategy.»

Shinso stared at the man with wide eyes. Nobody had ever put that much faith into him. Nobody had ever asked that much of him. But it all made sense. With both a martial and a strategic formation... Ochako and him would enter another group of Heroes. Or detectives.

«- Oh, and Uraraka-chan ? Be prepared. The Chibi is a gravity manipulator, he'll work you to the bone.»


⁵: chuuya is more or less giving them a mafia-like formation.
but rest assured, it'll lighter than mafia¡dazai's training - the guy litteraly headshot akutagawa, wtf.

⁶: the a.d.a (original) had the habit of taking in stray ; but in a bipolar world with quirks, the exam entrance got even more selective.
dazai (and chuuya) only hire people with open minds ready to see through the same spectrum that they do.

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