Chapter 4

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See through my heart,you will only see black....

( Waring : slight mature scene )

"Harder,harder,fuck me harder DADDY, moans and whimpers of woman were audible in the area which was bounded by four walls of the room.
"You bitch don't you dare to to order me around am your master so I will be only one to order" man said while thirsting in rhythm.

"Yes Daddy I am your bitch" woman said while her body was moving according to the speed of the man.
"You bitch you like it me fucking you"
"There ,there yes daddy I like it very much".

Man move the woman to turn her knees on the bed while her back now facing the man" 'yes ,yes' he huffed taking the mop of woman's hair in bunch of his hand to release the pressure which was coiling into his belly.

"Aaahhh"woman body trembled as she reached her high her knees turned jelly.

Seeing this state of the woman the man paced himself only to find his pleasure." 'Yes yes' by final grunting he releases his seeds inside her. He stand up to wipe his body to a towel as he was sweating too much because of
The intimate process.
"You bitch did you enjoy yourself" he asked while standing in front of the big glass which was decorating his room to see outside of the area,forming his lips to place a killing stick.

"Yes I enjoyed it daddy"woman answered after calming herself,huffing she slides into sheets,
Within in a minute she wears her cloths.

"But you know Bitch I did not enjoy that much so get lost from here before I kill you" man said to the woman who now was sitting in the corner of the bed. Frightened she get up with wobbly legs to open the door taking one glance of the man, she get out.

"After some minutes there was a knock on the door".

"Can I come in sir'

Did you not here what I sa-- his voice cut of hearing the male voice.

"Yes come in"

"sir That ARTHURO found dead in the party which he was hosting the success of new product of his company" the male informed the man
"What how?? Man asked.
"Sir it was TIGER's doing he came to know that ARTHURO was the one who ordered one of his men to steal that data chip of the deals which you told him to rob" the male answers him.

"TIGER, TIGER and TIGER that bloody TIGER how he came to know about this ,we have spent many months to send zang entery into his area, how can he know this at the last moments"Man became so angry he began to throw things which was placed in his room to decorate.

"But no problem he maybe forget that what I have done to his family but no problem History repeats itself" man said while setting his hair which was unplaced as he was throwing things.

"And Lee DOEJUN do not forget his enemy easily".

'But Lee sir he is more stronger than before'.

"KAI it is not your work to worry about that".

Its time to inform him he mentally noted...

And KAi one more thing shoot that bitch...

Kai nods before leaving...

Lee walks towards the broken mirror only to see his sinister reflection on the mirror while smirking ...

That was the man of nothing but evil,
Man in his late fifties' "Lee DOEJUN".

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"Why you want to go alone TIGER ?? You don't need to go there alone Taehyung we will come with you" a worried Jimin said to the male
"Yes TIGER jimin is right we can't leave you alone in any situation".
Yoongi also said taking side of jimin. All gang members were in the meeting room.

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