Chapter 20

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Which dream I am living,lost in the reality.....

Third person's p.o.v.--

"SOMEONE IS HERE SAVE ME...PLEASE SAVE ME SOMEONE"a female's loud yet frightful voice echoed in the eerie area,her hands and legs were tied in the handle of the chairs,fear crippled in her skin,she was restless,forcing her hands to get free from the tight hold of the ropes but she was tired,very tired doing that from half an hour.

The room was dark,very dark she was not able to see anything, her body was giving up but she was still trying to get look of her surroundings blinking her eyes get just one ray of light to see anything..just anything.

She did not expect that she will be here instead of her father's securing arms after coming from America after she sat in the cab someone grabbed her from behind and her nostrils came in contact of handkerchief with chemical substance.

Her body went still,her eyes soon shut down.

Now she was here wiggling to free from fear which were inside her,making her head foggy with the possibilities of upcoming events.

What was her fault??

What she even did with anyone here??

She does not even remember her any familiar ones, coming to her homeland after so many many thaughts and pool of fear was drowning her.

Jeena was trying her best to open her eyes as she was tired but she will never in a million will sleep when she don't even know where is she!!

"No,no I..I can't stuck here,I can't... CAN'T"..SOMEONE IS HERE..,LISTEN,,,I DID NOT DO ANYTHING"Jeena shouted with her full force, it felt her throat was on fire because of the force she put for shout but nothing happened,she lowered her head finally some tears left now from her tired eyes.

She felt some voice of steps because of strange quietness of the room.

"WELL!!well look what we have here"
Jeena saw the source of the voice she saw two figures coming towards her,her eyes widened with hope but also the fear was present there,hope that now she can find answers of her kidnapping.

"Wh..who are you,why did you do it!!WHAT DID I DO WITH YOU"Jeena wiggled in her seat.

But a Slap landed on her face and she felt her hair in tight grip jerking her face towards the owner of the grip.

Jeena eyes grows seeing the scary looking man,face full of piercings, eyebrow has one cut and one eyeball  was full white not having black part of iris.

Man's face was scary.

But Jeena did not lose her demeanour.

She was not a weakling.

"YOU FUCKER WHAT DID I DO WITH YOU"Jeena spit on his face and the man wiped it smirking.

"Oh bitch is in her heat should I calm your heat darling" Man caressed Jeena's lips sedusely and he put his head near her face grabbing her from back of the head keeping it firm,was going to kiss her,, Jeena was wiggling her head but man's grip was very strong.

"DAEK-HWA we are not here for your lusty game leave her and we should do what we are here for"other man's voice stopped scary man action in midway.

"Ohh Kai you ruined my mood"the said man scoffed and left Jeena with a jerk.

Jeena unknowingly felt at ease listening Kai voice.

"Look Jeena we don't want to hurt you but your father..."Kai was hesitant to say further because he knows Jeena do not know about her father's work.
"What..what about my father is he safe!! Is he safe or did you also kidnapped him!"Jeena gasped in fear she can't imagine her old father living in this kind of place.

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