chapter 30

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Cousin (Part 30)

It was evening time when yoonmin came downstairs and found everyone present there..
Yoongi held Jimin's hand tightly who was being scared that everyone might judge him like everyone did around his neighbor... Yoongi assured him everything will be alright and nobody is gonna judge him but Jimin's insecurity was eating him up...

YG: Dad... Appa...

Soobin and RM looked towards them along with everyone... Tae jump from JK's lap running towards Jimin who was hiding behind Yoongi and make him sit between Jin and Yeonjun..then he also sat on his hubby's lap who was just in front of Jimin... Yoongi went with his Appa and Dad who signalled him to go away to have a talk....Jimin was scared about everyone's reaction cz his so called father just created a scene for nothing...

Yj: don't worry son...we won't let anyone take you away from us...we already reported to police about him..

Tae: yeah chimmy and hubby said you're his younger brother so nothing should happen to you not even a single scratch...

Jk: baby...shh....have this...(put cherry on Tae's mouth)

Tae: noo..lemme say-------umm

Jin: don't be scared.. we'll do anything to protect you...we won't let that bastard take you from us.. moreover you know Yoongi...he will destroy everything if something happens to you..

Saying this Jin hugged Jimin who bursted into cry while Yj also caressed his head... Tae was wiggling in JK's lap but JK didn't leave over protective:)

After about 30 minutes Yoongi came there with Soobin and RM and saw Jimin was now laughing along with Tae and JK was sitting on floor being annoyed by two of them...why? Cz vmin was making cute ponytails with JK's hair and Jin and Yeonjun was trying hard not to laugh... YG sighed in relief seeing his brother got his back...

YG went towards them later lifting Jimin up in his arm by waist walking towards door to go out maybe...

JM: yooni..where are you taking me... leave,,

YG: shh... we're going to shopping mall... others will come later...

JM: shopping? For what?

YG: for wedding...or what?

JM: w.. wedding?

YG smiled looking at Jimin's face remembering his dad's and Appa's words..he sure didn't wanted to marry Jimin in such a situation but they had to get married sooner or yeah...

YG: our wedding baby let's go ..

Meanwhile in mansion

Tae: Appa where are they going?

RM: shopping mall baby... we'll also go after you take rest hmm?

Tae: but I'm fine....why rest?

Jk: cz you're carrying "Future Jeon" and Jeons aren't easy to handle...

Saying this JK lift Tae up bridal style going towards their bedroom ignoring Tae's blabbering...
Everyone chuckled seeing their cute fight...

When they entered Tae started to kick his legs in air wiggling... JK made him sit on bed holding him by arms keeping him still ...

Jk: what?

Tae: what huh!!

Jk: why so angry Mrs. Jeon.....

Tae: why not Mr. Jeon....

Jk:(chuckled) okay okay... we'll go later cz Yoongi hyung will take Jimin to a date to fix his mood that's why...when they're done he'll text us then we can go...yeah??

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