Chapter Five

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In the heart of bustling London, Alice's steps quickened with a sense of urgency as she hurriedly made her way towards the coordinates Samuel had given her. She knew the situation was critical, and she couldn't afford any delays. The streets of Piccadilly seemed to close in around her, their usual vibrancy overshadowed by an inexplicable sense of unease.

On reaching the designated location, she glanced around, searching for any signs of unusual activity. Her eyes darted nervously as she scanned the throngs of people bustling past. But despite her best efforts, there was nothing out of the ordinary to be seen–no swirling vortex of energy, no mysterious objects or strange person lurking.

Frowning in confusion, Alice double-checked the coordinates, her mind racing with questions. Had Samuel made a mistake? Or was there something more to this situation than met the eye? She knew she couldn't waste any more time; something was clearly wrong.

Quickly, she dialed Eleanor's number, hoping for a response. Yet, the phone remained eerily silent, the call going straight to voicemail.

Frustration gnawed at her gut, and she realized she needed a new plan. She knew that she had to follow her instincts and trust her intuition. Without hesitation, Alice turned on her heels and hurried to Eleanor's apartment.

Nervous and scared of the unknown, Alice stood outside Eleanor's apartment and knocked on the door several times, her knocks echoing through the empty hallway. There was no response. But when she tentatively tried the door handle, she discovered it was unlocked.

The lack of any signs of forced entry or disturbance only added to her growing unease. Concern etched on her face, she took a deep breath, pushed the door open, and stepped inside. The interior of Eleanor's apartment was a complete mess.

Alice's eyes swept over the disorganized space. Papers lay scattered across the desk, books piled haphazardly on the shelves, clothes were strewn across the bed, and the stench from the dishes piled high in the sink was thick in the air. The faint hum of Eleanor's computer which was still turned on, filled the room, it was as if someone had rummaged through it in a hurry.

With a sinking feeling in her chest, Alice approached the computer, her fingers trembling slightly as she reached out to touch the mouse. She hesitated for a moment before clicking it. And when she did, the screen blinked to life, revealing a program that Eleanor had left open–the same program she used to analyze the mysterious device.

Curiosity piqued, Alice leaned forward and began to skim through the program. Her eyes widened as she read the information displayed - the device had been analyzed, and its origins were revealed. It dated back to the year 2075.

Doubt and bewilderment flooded her thoughts. Her mind raced as she tried to process what this meant. How could Eleanor have accessed a device from the future? And why would she keep it a secret?
She quickly grabbed her phone and dialed Samuel's number, her heart racing with every second that passed.

"Alice, any news?" Samuel asked, his desperation evident.

"Yes, Samuel," she replied, her tone urgent. "Something's wrong, I'm at Eleanor's apartment and she's not here. Her room is a mess, her computer is still on."
There was a brief moment of silence at the other end of the line before Samuel let out a shaky breath. "Look for anything out of the ordinary. Anything that might help us find her, please, Alice."

"I don't know what's going on, but it seems she was analyzing a device from the future. There's a device from 2075 on the computer screen," Alice said, trying to keep her voice steady.

"What? That's impossible. How could she have gotten her hands on a device from the future?" Samuel asked in disbelief.

Alice could hear his panicked voice on the other end of the line. She shook her head, her mind reeling with the implications of what she had discovered. "I honestly don't know, Samuel."

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