Chapter Seven

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The screen flickered to life as Samuel and Alice connected through the video call. They were both eager to discuss their latest findings about Eleanor's mysterious device and disappearance.

"Hi Sam, did you receive the image I forwarded to your phone? That's the device Eleanor was seen with. I was able to get her colleague, Jake to make a sketch of it."

"Hey, Alice," Samuel greeted her with a smile. "Yeah, I did. And I think I've made some progress in understanding what this device really is."

Alice leaned forward, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Tell me about it then. Did you find out where it came from? If it had anything to do with her disappearance?"

Samuel nodded. "Yes, it's quite fascinating actually. I believe this device in question was created by my mentor, Professor Edward Morgan, before he passed away."

Alice's eyes widened. "Your own Professor Morgan? The renowned physicist? But why would he create such a device?"

"That's the mystery," Samuel replied. "Before his death, he was working on a top-secret project related to time travel. I think this device might be a part of that project."

Alice's mind raced with possibilities. "Do you think Morgan discovered the secret of time travel?"

"It's possible," Samuel said thoughtfully. "But there's more to it. I found some old notes of his that hinted at hiding something in the past."

"In the past?" Alice repeated, trying to grasp the enormity of what Samuel was suggesting.

"Yes, exactly," Samuel confirmed. "I think Morgan might have hidden the key to time travel in the past, maybe to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands."

Alice's excitement grew. "So, if we can figure out where and when he hid it, we might be able to bring Eleanor back!"

"Exactly," Samuel agreed. "But we need to be cautious. If Morgan went to such lengths to hide it, there must be a reason."

"But Sam, are you sure it's the same device?" She asked, her voice crackling through the speakers.

Samuel's gaze remained fixed on the grainy image of Alice. "You sent me the sketch made by her partner Jake, right? Unless of course he got it wrong."

Alice nodded, leaning closer. The blue hue of her screen cast shadows on her face

"Well, I cross-referenced the schematics. It's an exact match to the prototype Professor Morgan was working on," Samuel confirmed, his fingers nervously fidgeting with a pen.

Alice's voice was a mix of skepticism and awe. "Okay. B...But how did Eleanor get a hold of it?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Remember how Morgan always used to say he'd change history if given the chance?" Samuel held up the sketch, his fingers tracing the strange symbols outlined on the device's surface.

Alice nodded slowly, "He was obsessed with the idea, but... to actually do it? And why leave the device behind?"

"Or maybe he didn''s possible," Samuel suggested, the gears in his mind turning.

Alice sighed, tapping her pen against the notebook filled with scribbles and equations. "If what you're saying is true, then the device must have a recall function. Morgan wouldn't have designed it without a fail-safe. We need to figure out how it's activated."

Samuel ran a hand through his hair, visibly frustrated. "Damn it! Morgan kept so much to himself. If only we had his research notes or something..."

A moment of silence hung between them before Alice's face lit up. "Wait, Samuel! The chess set in your study – didn't you say it once belonged to Morgan? The one you won at the International Invention and Innovation Championships."

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