Chapter 1

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Ryan Saveric slowly opened his eyes and found himself seated in a plush, cushioned chair. The room exuded comfort, adorned with rich tapestries illustrating a variety of scenes that gracefully hung from smooth wooden walls. A stone fireplace with a roaring fire provided the room with a warm, welcoming light. Luxurious rugs covered much of the floor. A large wooden door on the opposite wall seemed to be the only way out from the room.

Confusion began to set in as he grappled with his unfamiliar surroundings. The last thing he remembered was leaving his house to grab a bite to eat before starting an all-night gaming session. A loud screech across the road quickly drew his attention as he watched a car slam into a giant oak tree. Terrified and shocked, a group of children, who had been playing near the tree, huddled together. The sudden impact left them paralyzed with fear. Cracks and creaks came from the tree, capturing their attention as they helplessly gazed upward at the great oak. While strong enough to stop the vehicle, the tree had been nearly uprooted and began to lose its battle with gravity. It started to slowly tip over and threatened to fall. Without a second thought, Ryan dashed towards the children, pushing them out of the way. As he did, the sound of wind rushing through leaves intensified and the tree's shadow grew ever larger over him. A searing pain overtook him just before his vision dimmed to darkness.

"The Children!" Ryan's mind raced as he abruptly stood up and hurried toward the door.

As if sensing his panic, there came a soft knock, immediately stopping Ryan before he reached the door. Slowly, the door opened, revealing a tall, fair-skinned being with long, straight, golden colored hair, and almond-shaped eyes that glowed bright blue. His ears, much like the elves in the fantasy stories Ryan had read, were tipped to a point. The elf-like being was dressed in bright blue robes that matched the color of his eyes.

"Greetings, Ryan, I am Kelis. I am sure you have many questions," he said with a friendly smile.

"The children, are they alright?" Ryan quickly blurted out.

"Oh yes, thanks to you," answered Kelis. He looked pleased that Ryan's first thought was of the children he saved.

"Thank goodness," Ryan murmured, feeling a momentary sense of ease before an unsettling thought crossed his mind. What if Kelis was here to guide him to the afterlife? His last memories of pain and fading vision suggested that the unnerving idea was plausible. "That would explain how Kelis knew my name when he greeted me," Ryan thought as his began to take stock of the situation he was in. Despite Kelis lacking the typical wings portrayed in most of the illustrations Ryan had seen of beings in the afterlife, Kelis did have an otherworldly sort of beauty. Ryan took a deep breath, seeking to steady himself, and asked, "Did I die? Is this the afterlife?"

Kelis smiled warmly once more; a feeling of peaceful calm seemed to wash over Ryan. "Yes and no. Your selfless act did cause you to perish. No, this is not what you mortals would call the afterlife. This is somewhere in between, a place we call the Spirit realm, our home.

"I see..." commented Ryan. With Kelis indirectly confirming there was an afterlife, did that mean perhaps he was not allowed to move on? This led him to ponder why he was brought here.

As if reading Ryan's mind, Kelis patiently said, "You are here because we have need of mortals such as yourself. We are offering a second chance at a mortal life."

"And that need is?" questioned Ryan, wondering what he was about to get roped into.

"Terra, a world we spirits are charged to protect, is threatened by forces who serve our enemy -- one who is intent on enslaving all. Those who resist forfeit their lives. We ask that you help protect the Terran people. Be it a strong sword arm, wielding powerful magic, or even something as simple as crafting weapons and armor," informed Kelis.

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