Chapter 5

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A very confused Rygic followed Skoshi inside and was immediately greeted by a short stocky woman with fiery red hair as she hurriedly walked by, carrying a tray laden with large mugs of fizzy ale. A giant stone fireplace sat in the center of the room providing ample light and a welcoming atmosphere. Though you could see the age of the furniture, everything appeared to be well-kept. A gnomish server with wild, frizzy hair walked in from a door, which Rygic assumed led to the kitchen. She was carrying bowls of stew and freshly cut baked bread. As she passed by, the smells from the food wafted towards Rygic and he couldn't help but gaze longingly at the meal. He was hungrier than he realized.

"Come on, I see a seat towards the back," said Skoshi who had been looking for an empty seat ever since they walked in.

Carefully making their way through the crowded dining room, they eventually found a small, empty table with two chairs tucked away towards the back of the inn. Taking a seat, Rygic couldn't help but glance around at the other tables. Based on their attire, he could tell that the crowd was a mix of both commoners and nobility. At the table closest to him, a very short human with black hair and a scraggly beard was clearly enjoying his meal, failing to look up when the two walked by to take their seats.

"It has been a while since I have seen it this crowded," commented Skoshi.

"Skoshi, where are we? Were we not supposed to go to the House Olden's manor? Why have we stopped at an inn?" a very perplexed Rygic said.

Before Skoshi could answer him, the short human finally looked up and shouted, "Skoshi! You're back!" He then looked at Rygic, a huge smile forming on his face.

Laughing, Skoshi answered, "Yes Quart, just came back into town today." He then gestured toward Rygic, "This is Rygic Olden," he said with a smile as big as the one formed on Quart's face.

A moment passed as Quart processed Rygic's surname. With a burst of clarity, he exclaimed, "Olden!" Turning to face Rygic, he continued, "Welcome to House Olden, Rygic!" Quart smiled before quickly shoving another spoonful of hearty stew into his mouth. He then proceeded to sharply inhale and fan himself before guzzling down some cold, crisp ale. Rygic couldn't help but smile at the display from the rather informal and friendly gnome. Quart pumped his tiny fist into the air. "Yes! I am not the newest person anymore!" he excitedly announced.

"While true, I am afraid you're technically still the newest member Quart," teased Skoshi with a grin. He then pointed to his ears and nodded toward Rygic.

"An elf! We haven't had a newly arrived elf the entire time I have been here," chimed Quart with raised eyebrows.

"That is a call for a celebration!" exclaimed the red-headed woman Rygic had seen when they first arrived. She had just walked over with the empty tray tucked under her arm after delivering some fresh food to a couple nearby.

"Hello," Rygic greeted. "No need for a celebration on my account."

"Nonsense!" replied the fiery redhead. We haven't had a new elf join House Olden since Skoshi."

"She is right, of course," agreed Skoshi. "Allow me to introduce my dwarven friend, Yaz Firebeard, Innkeeper of the Rusty Cow and an honorary member of House Olden." He then nodded to his right, "And the gnome is Quart Derminous, our latest recruit."

"Hi, Quart," greeted Rygic. "I am confused though; which is it, the manor of House Olden or the Rusty Cow Inn?"

"Both," answered Skoshi. "With me being the only elf belonging to House Olden, the manor was feeling a bit empty. So, I made an executive decision and recruited honorary members to fill the manor. Since we were low on members, we needed a way to bring in extra income, so I thought, why not an Inn?" Nodding, Rygic agreed with Skoshi's reasoning.

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