Chapter 13

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Rygic took a deep breath of fresh air as he emerged from the depths of the sewer. A defeated sigh escaped his lips as he scanned the darkening horizon, where only a faint trace of orange sunlight lingered. Time had slipped away while they were underground, and Rygic couldn't help but feel a tinge of despair. He had hoped they had spent only a few hours down in the sewer. Clearly, much more time had passed. Within moments, both Quart and Dreck emerged from the sewer, their faces bearing signs of exhaustion and frustration as well.

Rygic and Dreck carefully maneuvered the metal cover back into place, sealing the sewer entrance once again. The three companions stood there, their gazes fixed on the cover, lost in contemplation of Sulic and Trella's betrayal. Despite the disappointment and anger, Rygic found a flicker of relief in the fact that Sulic and Trella hadn't bothered to cover the entrance.

After what felt like a considerable amount of time lost in thought, Quart's frustration reached a boiling point. Gritting his teeth, he shook his tiny fist to the heavens and vowed, "Nolrey Drakes! Ugh! Payback will be hell!"

Rygic internally echoed Quart's sediments. He also felt a mixture of anger and regret. "I am sorry. If I hadn't antagonized Nolrey during testing, this would never have happened," he apologized.

"He had it coming, Rygic," asserted Dreck as he placed a hand on Rygic's shoulder.

"That he did," agreed Quart, who was clearly still angry.

Rygic sighed and straightened up his stance a bit. "You're right... still, I can't help but feel at least a little responsible." Naturally, he wanted to pay them back for what they did, but he was afraid it would escalate into an outright fight.

"Come on, let's get back to the Rusty Cow and get cleaned up," suggested Quart. "I had to practically swim in a few places." He shuddered when he thought of the murky water they had to trudge through. Though he was relieved that he didn't have to reveal his secret of not knowing how to swim, he couldn't help but feel silly. Who ever heard of a water mage not knowing how to swim? Seeing now was as good of a time as any to tell his friends, he quickly and meekly remarked, "I don't know how to swim."

"We know," smirked Dreck.

"We saw how you practically paddled on in some of the deeper spots," added Rygic. He couldn't help but grin. Quart's random admission lightened the mood.

"Oh," Quart responded with a smile that matched Rygic's. He then suggested they head back to the inn and get cleaned up, a proposal to which Rygic and Dreck readily agreed.

As the three made their way back to the Rusty Cow, they noticed the people passing by were instinctively giving them a wide berth along with a few disturbed looks due to the lingering stench that emanated from their clothes. Yaz, who knew they had gone on their quest into the sewers, met them at the front of the Inn.

"I could smell you three a mile away," she smirked. "Don't think for a second that I'm going to let you through the front door to walk past everyone trying to enjoy their meals." Directing them to the back door, she shooed them immediately to their baths. "I'll return in a moment to gather your soiled gear." She was tempted to burn their clothing, but quickly threw them into the wash. After bathing, they made their way down to their favorite table, which was the very table Rygic had sat at when he had his first meal at the Rusty Cow.

The three nursed their kewlales while waiting for their dinner. Rygic took in a deep and slowed breath as he quietly looked around the room. He and his friends were in a better mood now that they were clean and rested. Though they still felt anger over what happened, their minds were much clearer, and they began to hash out what to do next.

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