Chapter 6

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The next morning, Rygic opened his bleary eyes, yawning as he stretched out his arms. A thin ray of light poured in from the shutters on the window. He looked over to Quart's bed and was surprised to find he had already left the room. He felt a slight panic beginning to build as he wondered if perhaps Quart forgot his promise to guide him to his affinity test. Thankfully at that moment, his sharp Elven ears could faintly hear Quart merrily laughing downstairs. Sighing with relief, he laid back down. Staring up at the ceiling, Rygic thought about the last couple of days. He recounted the skirmish with the orcs, traveling to Rinkon, and then his enjoyable meal the night before. Amid his wandering thoughts, Rygic's mind suddenly realized he had no idea what time the tests would start. He quickly scrambled out of bed and threw on his clothes, then rushed downstairs to find Quart.

"Morning," Quart cheerily called out to Rygic from a nearby table as he walked down the stairs. The dining hall was fairly empty compared to the previous night.

"Morning," replied Rygic. He sat down across from Quart who seemed to be enjoying a hardy breakfast. "Where is everyone?" Rygic asked as he looked around. Only a few of the other tables were occupied.

"It is usually like this in the mornings. Most of those who stayed last night have already left for affinity testing," answered Quart in between bites.

With a hint of alarm in his voice, Rygic spoke up, "Shouldn't we be heading out as well?"

"We could, but we have plenty of time. Magic affinity testing is usually done throughout the day so surrounding villages have plenty of time to send those who wish to take part," stated Quart. He then picked up a steaming mug and took a long savoring sip.

Hearing that they wouldn't be late, Rygic leaned back in this chair. He casually looked around for signs of Skoshi. "Have you seen Skoshi this morning?" he inquired.

"Yeah, he left about an hour ago. He wanted you to rest and said he'd find you after our affinity tests," answered Quart.

Rygic peered at Quart's mug curiously. "What are you drinking?" he asked.

"Never had earthroot tea? Here, try some," offered Quart.

Quart picked up a nearby pitcher and poured an aromatic dark liquid into a mug. Steam rose from the cup as he handed it to Rygic. He took a tentative sip, noting a slight bitterness but also a deliciously earthy and buttery flavor.

"So, how do you like it?" questioned Quart.

"I quite like it," answered Rygic as he took another sip. "I can see why people drink it in the mornings. I feel as if the tea is helping me wake up." Rygic wrapped his hands around the warm mug and savored the flavors.

"Quite right, that is one of its many benefits!" Quart stated. He noticed Yaz coming out from the kitchen and waved to grab her attention. Following Quart's gesture, Rygic turned to see Yaz making her way toward them.

Approaching the table, Yaz exaggerated a frown and then shook her head with a grin. "Quart, as if I wouldn't have noticed Rygic. It's not exactly bustling in here this morning." She then turned to Rygic and beamed, "Morning! I trust you slept well? Would you like some breakfast?"

"Yes, please. Can I have what Quart is having?" requested Rygic. Having watched Quart eat with a satisfied expression on his face, Rygic reasoned that having the same breakfast would be a safe bet.

"Bacon and eggs, gnome-style, it is! I'll be right back," answered Yaz.

She went over to check on a few other tables before heading back into the kitchen to fetch Rygic's breakfast. Rygic leaned forward and quietly asked, "What exactly makes that gnome-style?"

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