Chapter Three

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Addison and I sit at a free table.

"You don't have to eat with me, I say. You can go with your friends."

She pulls a face.

"I don't know if I'll call them friends. I prefer to stay with you. If it doesn't disturb you, of course.

-You're kidding? You keep me company."

Her brown eyes keep looking at the table at our left. There, I recognize Lara and a few other girls from our class.

"So, you too used the cliché of "My father got a job and so I moved here"? I ask her.

She looks at me and reflects during a quick second.

"Kind of", she replies.

She passes her hand through her brown hair.

I can feel she is not comfortable with this conversation.

"Why did you really move here?" she asks

This time, I don't feel comfortable with this conversation.

"I..."I begin

"You're the new student? A girl asks me.

-I guess", I reply without understanding her point.

She laughs:

"You don't know if you're new, you're funny."

And she just leaves.

"What was that? I ask Addison.

-Oh, so you're like that, she says.

-What do you mean?

-You don't like to talk about yourself.

-What makes you say that?

-Come on, this girl had a crush on you."

I burst into laughter.

"And for the record, I'm not kidding, she replies.
-You can't be serious.

-Charlie, don't tell me no girl ever found you handsome."

I feel myself blushing.

"How am I supposed to know that kind of things? I ask

-Just look around you, all girls are looking at you and all guys are looking with jealousy in their eyes.

-It's not true", I laugh.

But I do as Addison instructed me and see everyone is staring at me.

"So, what do you think? She asks, arms crossed over her chest.

-Well maybe you're right.

-Thank you.

-Or maybe all guys are looking at YOU and all girls are jealous."

She laughs.

" Surely not, she says. Can we just stick with the first maybe? It sounds more realistic."

Another girl comes at our table.

"Are you the new one?" she asks.

I look over at Addison, asking for help.

"How can you believe he's new?!Addison exclaims. Matt is my best friend since ever."

The girl leaves.

"Thank you, Addison.

-You're welcome, Charlie", she answers with her soft voice.

She leaves the table.

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