Chapter Six

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Addison comes to sit at the table where I have waited for her as if it's an old habit we have to eat together.

"Are you okay? "I ask her as I see her smile disappeared.

"I'll be, she answers.

-What about now?

-Lara is my partner for the rest of the year in science, she sights.

-I'm sure the professor will change your groups when she will see Lara took this class only to have "good grades easily".

-Well, science is not that simple. And she's not stupid enough to believe it is.

-I don't know about that."

She laughs.

"That was mean, Charlie.

-But I'm glad I said it because it made you laugh."

She smiles, her usual radiant smile.

"What I know for sure, I continue, is that whoever you work with, it doesn't really matter because you will manage to do it.

-Thank you", she murmurs.

I  must thank her because she helps me to think about another thing than the past. She helps me to stay focused on the present. Thanks to her, I find happiness every day even if I thought I will never be happy again after learning the lie I lived in my whole life.

But here in this school, I begin to live without caring about what was the present one day because from now on, it will always be the past. I passed the entry test of the basketball team, and I got in. And... I don't know. All seems just so different, so not alike the life I lived back there with Ethan. Now, I am free more than ever. My "aunt" doesn't really care about what I do, the time I get home at night or if I go to school. I am free to decide where my life will get me.

This afternoon, we have sports class. The professor asks us to get in groups of two. In one look, our group is chosen.

"So, you will create a short choreography two by two mixing different sports. Each group will introduce its choreography next class."

Addison and I go in a free spot.

"Any ideas? She asks.

-Actually, yes. What about mixing basketball and another sport?

-Okay but I'm not that good at basketball.

-I'll teach you"

She smiles:

"All right. We can maybe add some dance?

-Do you dance?

-Yes, kind of. I took seven years of classes.

-Wow, you're actually a dancer."

She chuckles, her cheeks turning red.

"Okay, so we have the basics.

-What about music? Are we allowed to play a song?

-I think so. Without music it would be so sad", she replies.

The professor says we can play the music we want to as if he heard us.

"Any idea for the song? She asks

-Polaroid by Jonas Blue, Liam Payne and Lennon Stella?

-Oh, yeah. I LOVE this song."

I play the music on my phone and immediately, Addison starts dancing, clapping as the song goes on.

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