Chapter VII

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"Let me out of here!" I pound my fist on the door of my room so hard the picture on the wall rattles.

I've been trying to escape since I woke up an hour ago, fully healed. Where those arrows had struck I found nothing but healed tan skin. Even the one that went through my wing.

I don't like it.

There must be some reason to heal me. Otherwise why waste the effort instead of letting me bleed out from the wounds?

Those Illyrian bastards are going to pay. Whoever paid them to lure Mari and me outside the camp's wards will pay too. I'll hunt each and every one of them down.

I stop my banging on the door. They're not going to let me out, but it felt good to try. To do something instead of waiting around for whoever took me to make an appearance.

I hope Amaris is alright. After I got hit with those poisoned arrows, I blacked out, so I don't know what happened after that. Did she manage to get away? Did they shoot her too? Is she even here?

I hope not. I hope that they only took me.

But unfortunately, I don't think I'm that lucky. Those Illyrians brought both of us out into the woods. They wouldn't do that unless they intended to take us both.

My clothes have also been changed. I'm wearing a lightweight grey tunic, black pants and brown leather riding boots. My leathers are nowhere to be seen. But what's most surprising is that the tunic is one that has slats on the back for me to fit my wings into. Never thought anyone would think of that.

I sigh and look around the room again. I've already searched every nook and cranny of this place, but maybe I missed something. All items that could potentially be used as a weapon or means of escape have been removed. And a watery shield distorts the view out the windows.

Outside those windows the Spring Court is in full bloom. I suppose there's never a time when it's not in full bloom. I've never been here before, but my parents have told me stories. Uncle Cassian hates this place. Not just because of the High Lord who governs it, but because whenever he steps foot in Spring, his allergies act up.

One of the greatest Illyrian Warriors in history. Beaten by pollen.

When I find nothing useful, I try again to break or slip out of the twin cuffs on my wrists. My magic is gone, so there's no use even trying to reach for it.

Whatever Tamlin wants with me, he doesn't want me to be able to fight back with my magic. The implications of that don't bode well.

But whatever it is, I'll deal with it. If it keeps Mari from harm, I'll endure whatever is in store for me. I just have to hold out until my family finds us. Because they will.

I punch one of the post of the bed. Pain sears my hand, but I welcome it. I was so stupid, letting Mari go with those Illyrians. I went along with her so that I might help if something happened.

Well, something did happen, and I didn't even have enough time to use my magic or find some way to alert my parents. Now my sister and I are prisoners of the Spring Court.

I suppose, in a twisted sort of way, this is good thing. My father has shown Tamlin mercy more times than I'm sure he's told me about. Never has he retaliated for Tamlin having a hand in murdering my father's mother and sister in cold blood, locking my own mother up in this very house, or selling out mother's sisters to Hybern. But now...

Now both of my parents have a bigger reason to kill Tamlin. And I don't think mercy is on either of their minds.

It's certainly not on mine.

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