Chapter X

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My father's hand closed over mine as we walked down the streets of Velaris. My own hand was so tiny in his.

"So," he said, looking down at me fondly. "What do you think of your new sister?"

"She's so small," I said. "And she has no hair. And cries a lot." I smiled. "But I like her anyway."

My father chuckled softly. "She does cry a lot, doesn't she."

The lights of the shops held my attention. To my five year old mind, they were the most wondrous thing.

"Nyx," my father said.

I looked up at him, losing interest in the lights. I didn't know why he brought me out here. Just two days before, Amaris was born - a bald baby with quite a set of lungs. Even as a child I could understand the importance of this walk. Otherwise why would my father leave his mate just two days after she gave birth to his child?

We stopped at a cafe. My father sat down in one of the chairs out front, pulling me into his lap. I stared up at him. He smiled.

That's my smile. And Amaris's. We both share our father's kind smile. One that can turn mischievous in a heartbeat.

"I wanted to tell you something," he said.

I didn't dare turn away, let my attention snag on something else.

"You're a big brother now," my father continued. "And that means you have a responsibility."

I frowned, not understanding what he was trying to tell me. I was only five. What responsibilities could I possibly have?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Amaris is only a baby, and it's your job to look out for her."

"She won't be a baby a forever. Right?"

The thought of my sister staying a baby forever didn't sit right with me. I wanted someone to play with and you can't do that with a baby.

"No, she won't be a baby forever," my father shook his head, grinning faintly. "But even when she's all grown up, it will still be your job to look out for her, in whatever way that may be. And she may hate it at times, Cauldron knows you mother hates it when I fuss over her, but that doesn't change the fact that you're her older brother."

I frowned, confused. "What do I do?"

"Well, if she's ever feeling sad or angry, you could find a way to cheer her up or calm her down. Sometimes just having someone there is enough."

"And if she's feeling silly or excited?" I asked skeptically.

My father smiled broader than before. "Then you be silly and excited with her. You're brother and sister, and no matter what you'll always be there for each other."

I nodded my head. I think I got it. It was my responsibility to be there for my younger sister, either as a friend to play with or a shoulder to cry on. I couldn't understand why anyone would want to cry when you lived in a city as amazing as Velaris, though.

After that we got ice cream and went home.

But I never forget what my father had told me.

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