Chapter XIII

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I stand in the grand receiving room at Glacier Palace in the Winter Court.

Everything is made of hues of blue and white and silver. The walls are solid ice, because the Palace is built atop a huge glacier. Hence, the name.

How the hell did I manage to get here?

I look around and my breath catches in my throat. My parents stand in the center of the vast space. Uncle Cassian and Uncle Azriel flank them, wearing all seven of their Siphons, and even the Valkyries are here. Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie. 

They're standing before Kallias and Vivianne, the High Lord and High Lady of the Winter Court. 

"Mom! Dad!" I call, but no sound comes out. I frown and look down at myself, only to realize that I don't have a body.

Okay, that's not entirely true. I have a body, but it's cast in a hazy sort of light. Like some kind of projection one sees through the Veritas orb. 

I gather that I'm not actually here in the Winter Court, but rather peering through the world. How, I don't know. But a shadowy form takes shape next to me. Its presence is powerful and ancient. Almost sentient.

"You have some nerve for showing up here unannounced and uninvited," Kallias says, his voice icier than usual.

He and Vivianne sit on twin thrones of carved ice up on the dais, flanked by a dozen Winter Court guards wearing heavy fur-lined jackets and various weapons. All are pale skinned and have white or very light blonde hair. 

"You're right," my father says. "But we wouldn't be here if it were not important."

"And what could possibly be so important that it leads to you practically blasting down my front door, demanding an audience?"

"Our son and daughter have been missing for six days," my mother steps forward and tells the High Lord and Lady of Winter. "We wish to know if they are anywhere here."

Vivianne leans forward on her throne. "You think we have them?" She asks incredulously, but hurt flashes in her deep blue eyes.

"Of course not," my father steps up to my mother's side and places a comforting hand on her shoulder. "But we've already been to Day and Dawn. Neither Helion or Thesan have seen or heard anything regarding our children."

"We even went - went Under The Mountain," my mother chokes out the words. The temperature drops, if that was possible. Everyone has heard of Under The Mountain. Of the horrors that Amarantha inflicted for fifty years within our once sacred mountain. "We thought that maybe whoever took them might've brought them there, thinking we'd never step foot in that place again."

"And I assume you didn't find them because you're now here," Kallias sums up.

"Winter was the next stop," my father tells him. "We have no intention of - "

"After that shit you pulled on the Equinox, you're lucky I haven't already frozen your blood and shredded you apart from the inside out." 

The red and blue stones that my uncles have flare at Kallias's threat and the Valkyries subtly flex their hands, as if itching to reach for the swords strapped down the columns of their backs. But the warriors stay their ground.

"We had no involvement in that and you know it." The High Lord of Night snarls at the High Lord of Winter.

"Regardless of who was involved or not, you can't make us help you, Rhysand, despite your abilities. This is our Court and it could be seen as trespassing that you and your High Lady are here, not to mention the group of brooding warriors behind you."

My mother whispers, "Please. Please help. I know that we haven't been on the best of terms in recent years, but we didn't come here as a High Lord and High Lady. We came here as a mother and father who just want their babies back."

I want to tell her that I'm right here. I want to run to my mother and pull her into a hug. But I can't, because I'm not really here. And I can't tell her or my father where I actually am. Where we both are.

Vivianne looks at her mate. "Kal..." 

A moment that's too long passes as the High Lord and Lady of Winter have some kind of silent conversation.

My mother's face smooths into that of the High Lady of the Night Court. "Where's Jenara?" She asks calmly.

Kallias and Vivianne whip their heads toward her at the mention of their daughter.

The High Lord narrows his ice blue eyes. "Why do you ask?" 

My mother takes another step toward the dais. My father remains where he is, letting his High Lady take charge. "Because as a mother and father yourselves, I want to know what you would do if she was missing. If she was taken and you had no idea where she was, who had her, or even if - " she swallows. "Even if she was still alive. In that situation, what would you do?"

"We would tear the world apart to find her," the High Lady vows, tears gathering at the corners of her eyes

"We have that in common then."

Vivianne and my mother share a look. A look that only High Ladies would understand. A look that only mothers would understand.

Vivianne faces her mate again. Kallias nods his head, exhaling a shaky breath.

He and Vivianne rise from their thrones. Kallias says, "Come, if they are anywhere within the boarders of the Winter Court, we will find them."

My mother's smile wobbles with relief. "Thank you."

My father steps up to her side and presses a kiss to her temple. "We'll find them," he whispers in her ear. Promises.

She nods and they start to follow Kallias and Vivianne deeper into the Palace, but my mother and aunt Nesta stiffen and turn around to face where I'm standing. 

The shadowy presence tugs violently at me and I'm flung backwards. But as it rips me away, I swear my mother's eyes meet mine.

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