00 - A Proposition

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Savannah had her best customer service smile plastered on her face as she sat perched in front of her laptop and listened to her coworkers drown on the complaints they had from her budget plan. Being a financial advisor for a company has its ups and downs. She doesn't necessarily love her job and has often found herself scrolling through the job pages on Indeed for different postings. However, she gets to work from home and the pay is pretty decent so she can never actually bring herself to quit.

"I do understand the frustrations on the proposed budget, however, due to our profit at the end of this previous term, I think it would be best to do a more limited plan until we can propose other ideas to improve our profitability and increase our budget margins." Her voice is calm and kind as she perks up despite the fact all she can think about is popping open the bottle of Merlot in her fridge and digging into the takeout she ordered 10 minutes ago when Trudy was once again complaining about her lack of a department raise.

"Ms. Collins brings up a valid argument seeing as it is growing closer to the end of the work day. I suggest we go ahead and approve this budget plan and take another look in a few months to see where our profits are and see if any budgets may be expanded."

Savannah nearly cried out in glee as her coworker came to her rescue. There was a murmuring of agreement and soon she was exiting the meeting and shutting down her desktop.

A soft groan left her lips as she stood and stretched her arms above her head. One of Savannah's favorite things about working from home was the ability to wear fluffy pajama pants while she wore a nice top. She shed off her nice blazer leaving her in a cream tank top.

She grabbed a wine glass and moved to grab her wine, but a knock resonated throughout the apartment.

"Food." She whispered gleefully, as she grabbed her wallet and made her way to her front door.

The delivery guy greeted her kindly and she gathered her (probably an excessive amount) food, and tipped the guy before closing her door and walking back into her kitchen.

She had gotten a majority of her food out of her takeout bags when there was another knock on her door.

I guess he forgot to give me something. Savannah thought as she made her way back to her front door.

She wasn't expecting to open it to find, not the delivery guy but none other than Dakota Laden. Her eyes widened in shock and a large grin spread across her face.

"Dakota!" She exclaimed surging forward immediately hugging the boy tightly.

"Suprise!" Dakota exclaimed as he hugged her back.

They pulled away after a moment and Savannah tugged him and his small amount of luggage inside.

"What are you doing here?" She said still smiling brightly.

"Well, I haven't seen you in forever." Dakota started." And I have a proposition for you."

"A proposition?" Savannah arched an eyebrow. She was met with Dakota's wicked grin.

"Alright well, I just ordered an obscene amount of Chinese food, and I have wine."

Dakota's nose crinkled.

"And beer," Savannah added a small tone of amusement in her voice.

"That's better."

Savannah rolled her eyes but led him into the kitchen. She took out two plates and grabbed Dakota a beer. It had been a while since she had seen Dakota, he had been traveling with the Ghost Adventures crew filming and investigating, so she hadn't gotten to see him much in the past few years. While they kept in touch frequently it was nice to find him sitting in front of her. He had never been to her apartment before but if she had to guess Chelsea gave him her address. She had visited her quite a lot since she was closer living in Chicago and all.

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