03- Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary Part 3

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^^ 'Leave it to Savannah to find the only stray cat for miles and make friends' - posted on Tanner's private Snapchat^^


Soon enough the group besides Alex crowds into the little space by the front window to watch for the location. Savannah ignores how close Tanner is pressed into her back as he stares over his head—focusing on aiming her camera out the window. Which is a little hard considering he towers over he and has her pinned to the dash his hips bumping hers every once in a while with the sway of the cars. She curses herself in her head, scolding internally for being so affected by the proximity. Although a voice in her head reminds her that he seems to make it a point to be close to her and touch her a lot she's been on this trip. She ignores that voice and shakes it out of her head.

Dakota's arm shoots out. "That's it up there!"

"Oh dang! That's it up there?" Tanner exclaims.

"Yeah, that's it!"

"Holy bejeezus." Savannah wheezes.

"Oh, my goodness."

"Why is there nothing else around it?" Chelsea asks.

"Probably because it's a prison Chels," Savannah whispers to her, receiving a snort from the man behind her and an eyeroll from the blonde.

"Oh, We just went through the gate!"


"You guys, we're in."

"May the odds be ever in your favor," Savannah mutters.

The group gapes over the sheer size of this place. Savannah and Chelsea both exclaim in synchrony that they aren't stepping foot inside. Only to begrudgingly step out and make their way to the prison as they unload all of their gear.

"Anyone else got a really bad feeling already?"

Chelsea pushed open the gate to the massive entryway and Savannah followed closely. She may be scared shitless but she is not gonna leave her friend to go first on her own.

"We got everything set up. We got an area where we're gonna have all our gear. And now it's time for a walkthrough." Dakota says into Tanner's camera as they gather in the courtyard.

"Where should we start?"

"In this building"

"Might as well.

"Let's do the big one."

"Great idea!" Savannah feigns excitement.

Savannah is towards the back of the group in front of Alex as they make their way in. It's so dark even with her flashlight. Her eyes dart everywhere waiting for something to pop out and send her running to the parking lot and down the road after the RV.

"What was that?" Dakota asks barely a few feet into the building.

Savannah darts her eyes around not having heard what he did.

"What was what?" Tanner asks looking behind him.

Dakota shakes his head. "Nothing I am just hearing things."

"Yeah, I heard it too," Chelsea says backing up her brother.

Savannah slides in front of Dakota suddenly feeling very eery being almost in the back. Tanner starts talking about the shower but Savannah is too focused on the sudden movement she swears she sees above her. She angles her camera hoping it will see something, or nothing at all and Savannah can say she's already losing it.

Chelsea gasps joining Savannah in her search also hearing movement. Savannah can do nothing but tense up eyes darting upward searching for it. Curses erupt as the pigeon suddenly flies down. Chelsea crashes into Savannah sending both girls flying down. Savannah in a rare sight of agility manages not to send her camera flying across the pavement but also to catch herself.

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