04 - Chelsea's Delusional

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^^^ Savannah: I'm not hungry... Savannah as soon as you put pasta in front of her" -- Posted on Alex's private story ^^^

Alex glances over as he settles back down on the couch gently. He and Dakota had put up the cameras and their equipment wrapping up the content for Brushy. Tanner hadn't moved a muscle since Savannah sunk her head resting in the nook of his shoulder as she drifted off. While the girl did well and Alex was proud of his best friend he knew by just looking at her this morning it was extremely taxing on her. Alex gently picks up her feet and drapes them over his lap. Savannah doesn't even move. Then again the young woman has always been a heavy sleeper. When the group would have a sleepover and Savannah would tag along Alex And Dakota could get with so much while she was sleeping. Even going as far as to draw all over the girl's face, which ended up in Dakota's mom giving them a serious dressing down the next morning when she failed in helping the girl try to remove the ink.

Savannah's sophomore pictures are no way to be found because she refused to take any and was at a competition on remakes. To make it even worse Tanner visited that next weekend from college and burst into laughter upon seeing the young girl which only furthered her resolve that he would never see her any other way. She was just the young annoying sister-like figure. 

"She did pretty good for a newbie," Dakota muttered grabbing a blanket and draping it over her and the boys. 

"Yeah, she held her own very well." Alex agreed. 

"We should let her get a good little nap in but we should take her to eat. She hasn't had anything since like four yesterday." Tanner mutters gently fixing the the blanket over her. 

"You sure do pay attention to her a lot," Alex says a grin on his face. 

Tanner shakes his head. 

"No, I just remember 'cause she took a part of my sandwich." 

Dakota gasps. 

"Um no she did not take it. She commented how yours looks better and without a second thought you are switching your sandwiches, even tho hers had tomatoes on it and you hate tomatoes." Dakota says 

"Yeah, you're whipped Tan." 

"What?!" Tanner says glaring at his friends. "I don't do any more for her than you guys do." 

"Maybe so but Dakota and I also don't look at her like she hung the freaking sun." 

Tanner scoffs softly but his eyes trail down to the sleeping Savannah and can't help but love the serene look on her face. Savanah had always been pretty, Tanner noticed it even in high school but he didn't notice how simply absolutely gorgeous she was until she went off to college. He had remembered heading home for the holidays excited to see everyone including Savannah who hadn't been able to make it home until this point. She had been going to school in Massachusetts close to where her aunt lived and had been spending most of her breaks there. Even chose to work there the summer before she started college. So Tanner sat on the couch at the Laden household chatting with Tavian as Isabella was busy bugging Alex about the state of his hair. 

"Vannah's here!" Chelsea shouts rushing out the front door to greet the girl. 

Savannah stepped out of her car, immediately crushed into a hug by Chelsea. She squealed in happiness immediately hugging her back as the rest of the crew came out to greet her. 

"oh my goodness you've been gone for long!" Chelsea exclaimed holding the girl still as they turned to greet the others. 

Tanner stepped out onto the porch, and instead of the young girl he swore he left behind a beautiful woman stood in her place. She was glowing in her chunky green sweater and jeans, and her brown curls were free which was always Tanner's favorite. He stopped on the front steps watching the girl as his stomach twisted a little. How had he never noticed that she was this beautiful before, that her smile was illuminating? And why all of a sudden did he feel his heart beat faster as she turned to him a wide smile on her face as she put her arms out for a hug? It wasn't the same since then, not for Tanner at least. He tried to push it aside but it only grew into greater feelings. It was easy to hide when he only saw her a few times a year, but he knew it would become nearly impossible. He had only been with her for a couple of days and his resolve was already slipping. 

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