final author's note

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final author's note

my first finished book nd its trash wow


i'm so sorry i got so lazy for the last few chapters

im trash

but you guys have been great since day one i love you all so much

you're the sweetest people ever

btw their isn't going to be a spinoff, i'm taking it down because i honestly don't even know how to write it or what to write about my writer's block is insane

thank you all for staying so long

i missed you all so much i just didnt have time to write or inspiration either

just know this has been an amazing incredibly slow journey lol i've been writing this book for almost two years now

but it's been amazing

thank you for staying so long

and enduring my horrible fetus writing skills

shameless self promotion:

1) Broken Hearts Club ;;
"join the club, princess."

A Calum fanfic taking place in 1998, New York in which Calum is not the stereotypical bad boy but is still a bad boy. I don't want to spoil to much, go read it if you please.

2. Under The Gun ;;
"she's got her halo and wings hidden under his eyes"

Luke Hemmings. A lengthy (very poetic) poem where Luke's love interest dies in a car crashes and leaves Luke mentally scarred (it's quite interesting.) Based off the song Under The Gun by The Killers.

3) Bodies
"boys like him aren't into girls like you."

A Nash Grier fanfic (don't judge me, i thought it'd be fun) in which Nash is the stereotypical jock and falls for chubby, imperfect, Mia.


one last time, i love you all to death nd this was a great writing experience to me idk why im so emo lmao bye ily all <3


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