IX » goodbye

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chapter nine • goodbye

WARNING: this also starts from before the skulls in the last chapters aka cianna's text then when you see the skulls in this chapter (the first time) it means it's the next day lol sorry if this is confusinggg x

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From: Cianna :)

I'm sorry.

I took a deep breath in relief. She finally came to her senses, or so I thought. About a minute later I recieved another text message.

From: Cianna :)

Sorry you're such a bitch.

Letting out a loud groan, I threw my phone against the couch. Was she really this immature? I asked myself rubbing my temples softly. Was she really this close minded?

I decided not to text back. If she wanted to act like a five year old, I'd let her. I told myself I wouldn't waste anymore time on her. Our fallen friendship was her fault, or so I tried to believe, but I kept blaming myself.

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'Two roses? I only sent one...'

My jaw dropped when I read this. So there was another person sending me roses.

It had to be someone who knew about these roses, right?

Again I found myself analysing these roses, and having to take pain pills to make headaches go away. I couldn't understand why anyone would send me roses anyways. I'm definitely not worth even one rose, but daily roses? And now they're two people sending them, why would they care enough to do this?

After trying to understand these roses for way too long, I decided to go try and make things right with Michael. We had barely talked since the date, and he was definitely pissed at me. I tried to make things right with Cianna, but she didn't want to handle things in a mature way, so I was not going to chase after her anymore. If she wanted to be friends again, she could try, cause I'm done being the one trying.

But I never tried with Michael. So I planned to do the same, try to make things better, if he wants to go back to normal, we will. If he doesn't, then I'll leave it alone. I'll let him go, another ruined friendship, but I can't force him to be friends with me again.

I knocked on Michael's door.

As soon as he saw me he sighed. "What do you want Ella?" He kept his eyes on the floor. Avoiding all eye contact, he started fiddling with his thumbs.

"To talk?" I said, honestly. If he would listen, I was almost positive we could make up.

"There's nothing to talk about. You chose Calum, not me, that's it." Michael said rubbing his neck. I almost cringed when he said that, I hadn't chosen Calum. This wasn't a game, where you could choose your team members. I couldn't chose which one I had feelings for. Cianna and Michael truly are close-minded.

"You said it was a friendly date. I thought we were going as friends, nothing more. I never wanted to be anything more than friends with you, Michael. It's not my fault you assumed it was something more."

Michael furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed. He threw his hands in the air dramatically, "Of course it wasn't friend! You knew-" He stopped aruptly and his voice calmed, "Whatever Ella. You go be happy with Calum and I'll just..."

I kept waiting for him to finish that sentence but he didn't. He closed his mouth and stared up at me, as if he was expecting me to speak. I was tempted to ask him to finish that question, but something inside me warned me not to. "So, that's it?"

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