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It was 4 in the morning when Luca came in to my room, telling me he had been sick twice, when I asked him why he didn't tell me the first time he said he 'wanted me to get a good sleep and didn't want to bother me'.

It was very sweet but I told him if he's ever sick again to just tell me, no matter what.

I also wasn't that surprised because I know there was a sickness going around his school

Since 4 he has been throwing up multiple times, every hour. It's now 9am and im supposed to be opening the cafe but Luca's too sick to be left alone.

"Mama, when is it going to stop?" Luca says, on the verge of tears as I rub his back while we kneel down over the toilet.

"You'll feel better soon, okay?" I give a kiss to the back of his head and keep rubbing his back in a soothing matter.

We soo go back to the couch, Luca snuggles up to me with a blanket wrapped around us. I can only pray I won't get whatever sickness he has.

I'm so tired, I try to fall asleep again but this time it isn't Luca that keeps me awake, it's my phone ringing.

Incoming call
Lewis 🏎️ 

"Hello?" I say when I answer the call.

"Lilah?" I hear Lewis' voice and he sounds confused, even though he's the one who called me.

"Yes, I mean you did call me?" I laugh a little, careful not to wake Luca who I think had finally fallen asleep.

"Yeah- I just, why isn't the cafe open? Is everything okay?" I notice a hint of worry in his voice as he tries to sound casual.

"Yeah, well no- I've been up all night because Luca has been really sick." I start stroking Luca's head softly.

"Oh shit, is it like a throwing up bug?"

"Yeah." I pause "How come you were at the cafe so early?" I just realise that it's early and Lewis usually comes around closing time.

"Wanted an early morning latte." He lets out a slight laugh.

"Well, sorry to disappoint." I start yawning before I can finish my sentence.

"Are you okay? You sound tired."

"I mean I am tired." I laugh quietly "I only got a couple hours of sleep before Luca woke me up and I haven't been able to sleep since." I explain and he's silent for a moment.

"I can come over and look after Luca if you want to get some rest?" He offers and my heart swells.

"Are you sure? You don't have to." I sigh out, but really I am desperate for some sleep.

"Definitely, I'll be over in half an hour." 

"Thank you Lewis." I smile into the phone even though he can't see it.

"Of course, Lilah."

Luca suddenly looks up to me with panicked eyes, I know that look all too well.

"I have to go." I say quickly into the phone before hanging up and rushing Luca into the bathroom for another round of throwing up.

Saviour ; Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now