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Today is Christmas Eve, which is very apparent as Luca and I walk down the busy streets of London, multiple people clearly doing their last minute shopping.

Every building is covered in beautiful golden lights, with the windows of every building being decorated with a mass amount of Christmas decorations. Luca marvels at everything in complete and utter awe.

It still hasn't snowed yet- apart from a brief few snowy days in November, there has been no snow in December, I was really hoping for a white Christmas- Luca too.

Despite the lack of snow there was still an ice rink, one which Luca and I have just finished ice skating on.

This was Luca first time ice skating but he got the hang of it pretty quickly, in the end I was struggling more than him, but I think that was because Luca was trying to trip me up and I was finding it hard to catch him because he's so small.

We are now shopping for some Christmas baking decorations.

"Mama can we make ginger bread houses?" Luca excitedly points to the gingerbread house kit on the aisle and I widen my eyes dramatically at him.

"Great idea!"

I pick up the gingerbread house kit- getting a few Incase one of them is broken. Skimming my eyes through the aisle of baking decor, I decide to get some extra decorating stuff as well to make the experience even more enjoyable for Luca.

"Will Lewis be doing the gingerbread house with us?" Luca smiles up at me, tugging slightly on my hand to get my attention.

"I don't know buddy, I can ask him." I say and I can tell this makes him even happier "You really like Lewis do you?" I question softly.

He immediately nods "He's so fun to be around- and he really likes me and you! Is he going to be my dada?"

I almost choke on my spit at the last part.

"Uh- no Lewis is not your dada." I struggle to find the words to explain.

"Your dada is not a good person and you won't ever have to meet him. Lewis is a good person and will be a good role model- he is just my friend." I try to explain as best I can, but I'm not really sure how to word it.

Luca nods wordlessly and I sigh out in relief.

We get home pretty late after a bus ride and a short walk, I've started making dinner for me and Luca as he watches some kid tv shows that have Christmas features on.

I'm making a small roast seeing as it's Christmas Eve, and I need to make good use of all the food Lewis bought me the other day. I still can't believe how much food Lewis bought for us.

"-but first mama is making dinner!" I just hear Luca exclaim and I furrow my eyebrows- who the hell is he talking to.

I walk carefully into the living room and see Luca has my phone up to his face on FaceTime.

"Luca who are you talking to?" I ask as I get closer to him.

"Lew lew!"

I come up right behind him and sure enough, my son is on FaceTime with Lewis.

"Oh my gosh." I laugh out and I see Lewis's eyes brighten when he sees me.

Saviour ; Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now