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Lewis has been away for a couple days now and I assume he's been pretty busy because he's not really been keeping in touch that well.

He is 3 hours behind in Brazil but I can't imagine that makes that much of a difference.

I'm pretending that I'm unaffected but really it's affecting me more than I'd like. Probably because we had spent so much time together in the last couple weeks that I've gotten used to him being around.

I reopened the cafe today and it's already been pretty busy. Eloise has taken Luca for the day and they are most likely hanging out with Eloise's parents, they are a very lovely couple.

I've made a hiring notice and I put it up on the window, I'm thinking of maybe hiring two people to give me some free time.

Lewis 🏎️
Hi sorry I've barely been in touch, I've barely been on my phone. How are you and Luca?"

Don't worry about it I've been busy in the cafe anyway. Luca is good he's spending the day with Eloise and her parents. How is Brazil?

Lewis 🏎️
Beautiful as ever, I wish you could've come.

Yeah it would've been nice. Thank you so much again for the car it's so handy for work

Lewis 🏎️
You're welcome and you can stop thanking me now

Thank you🥹
I've got to go people just walked into the cafe x

Lewis 🏎️
Talk to you later, sweetheart x

I blush at the nickname but immediately turn my attention to the customers who have just walked in.

I take their orders and start preparing them as they take a seat. I'm interrupted by a sweet looking woman.

"Hi I seen the sign in the window and was wondering if I could get an application form?" She asks me nicely and she gives off a nice vibe.

"Yes of course, here you go." I take one of the forms and hand them to her and she nods thankfully as she starts to fill it out.

"What's your name?" I ask her even though it will be in the form. Might as well get to know her a little bit right now.

"Anastasia, but please call me Ana."

"I'm Lilah, nice to meet you."

"You too." She smiles kindly as she hands me the form. 

She leaves soon after and I briefly skim through her application. She will most likely get the job considering there haven't been anymore applicants and I think we would work well together.

The day goes on and the cafe is slowly quietening down now seeing as it's almost closing time, when Lewis normally comes in.

A young man- probably around my age walks in.

"Hi what can I get for you?"

"An application form?" He says questionably "Your number?" He nervously laughs out.

I widen my eyes slightly and let out a laugh "Oh! Right yeah." I hand him an application form and he thanks me.

Saviour ; Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now