Chapter 7

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The lesson in Defense Against the Dark Arts class didn't settle well with me.

For one, Arthur Plummy couldn't shut up. His voice was a little less gnarly, though. He'd also lost the glasses, good riddance, but his pudgy nose and snarky eyes were still envious of the knowledge they lacked.

"Avada Kedavra—" began Professor Hecat. "The Killing Curse. No doubt some of you are familiar with it." Her gaze rested on mine before flickering back to the black chalk board she'd dragged to the front of the classroom. 

"With any of these Forbidden Curses, you have to mean it. The Unforgivables, as the name goes, are unforgivable. They result in cruel punishments, some, even punishable by death."

A shudder ran down my spine, nerves tingling at my wrists. I bit my lip, chewing on the skin in anxiousness.

"There are alternatives to these curses, some of the hexes even more powerful. Merlin knows why there are only three Unforgivables. My nephew's breath is one of them."

A laugh came from the classroom, and Everett Clopton raised his hand. He flicked his dirty glasses up as he wiggled his fingers.


Everett stood up, pushing himself up and leaning his arms and hands against the desk. "Is it true the reason Sallow left involved with his temptation around the Dark Arts?"

The classroom fell silent. My stomach knotted, horror dawning upon me. How does he fucking know this? I looked at Ominis, the blind boy gripping his wand more tightly. I could tell from the tremble of his lips that something unsettled him.

"Pardon me? Five points deducted from Ravenclaw. Foolish questions, not to mention personal accusations, will not be tolerated in this class. Everyone knows Sebastian left because of the death of his... parental guide." Hecat's gaze was unreadable, props to her for covering for our good friend. 

Of course, Everett wouldn't shut up. I could see Marguerite, in the corner of my eye, pinker than usual. She was enjoying this. "But Professor Hecat! He hasn't left. On Merlin's beard I saw him in the hall!"

Unintentionally, I spewed a loud, "what!"  I quickly covered my mouth, disgusted from my impulsive language. Ominis snapped his neck in my direction, his wand flickering quicker as it pointed towards me. I returned the blind gaze, and I was surprised from the guilt it held. I read him like a book. Merlin's beard, he knew!

"Everett, I'm going to ask for you to sit down." Professor Hecat's voice raised, her tongue curled and stiff.

"Let the truth be told!" Everett finally added before sitting down. Ominis, who sat a seat across from Everett, craned his neck and whispered something into Imelda's ear. She turned left and whispered into Everett. The knowing boy nodded.

He wasn't lying.

"Another ten points from Ravenclaw!" Hecat's voice was shrilly. "Class dismissed. I'd like to have a word with you, Everett." Most of the student body stood up, but I stayed rigid in my seat, my heart beating loud in my chest.

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