Chapter 11

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I sat in Professor Black's office, the fresh tang of blood sizzling from my raw cheek. I chewed at the spot in nerve as the man addressed me.

"Luke Smithington—I'm quite sure you're familiar with him."

"The muggle, ah, I—"

Pressing his fingers to his forehead, the man let out a rough grunt. "Y/L, don't play coy with me. Professor Weasley has already alerted me of your scandalous behaviors last year. Sneaking out the campus, Harlow, all these different 'adventures', games, that you played."

I winced yet held his gaze; I was stronger than this. "In all due respect, they weren't games, sir."

"Please," Black cupped his fingers together as he leaned onto the desk farther. I arched my back reflexively against the chair I sat in, positioned on the other side of the table. "The—excuse my language—damned muggle is missing. Missing. You're at fault for this. I have the ministry contacting me. The Ministry!" He pushed himself away from the desk in aggravation.

"I can't blame this entirely on a student," Headmaster Black added. "Yet, I can, on someone as responsible as you. Let me rephrase that: someone who I thought was responsible. Ah, yes. A low-lacking damned ancient teenager of sorts is the person I trusted. How foolish of me."

I felt my throat tighten. A low-lacking damned teenager? "Sir, I have no clue where he's gone. We traveled on through floo-flame. He was gone right then and there. Is this truly my fucking fault?" Defensively, I rose from my spot.

"Remember your 'fucking' place," Headmaster snarled, himself raising from his position. His gray hairs curled as he rubbed his lower lip in deep thought. "You've been trouble ever since you've arrived, fifth-year. We lost a student, one who we've cherished deeply. The MINISTRY is flooding the castle now, damn your arrogance, and investigating everyone. Everywhere."

I swallowed. "They knew of my involvement." His words stung, piercing my heart, my wrist, like the fangs of a spider or the tongue of a devil.

"Perhaps not," Black sneered, stepping towards me. He towered over my smaller frame like an ogre, his haughty graze flickering in regret. "We've kept our responsible student anonymous; for now. I suggest you buckle up and get prepared for when truth be told. I can only ask you keep silent in your involvement, Y/N Y/L. It may not be safe for you to stay."

"What?" I said, my heart thundering in sudden horror. Ominis. "You can't say—"

"Pack your bags tonight. We've arranged a small cottage in Feldcroft, aquatinted for your residence. A girl your age volunteered to keep you company."

My head spun. "I'm expelled from Hogwarts?" My lips trembled in horror as my eyes darted to the window left of me. The gorgeous castle, the beautiful landscapes and the careful flowers entangled over the campus lawns... they would all just be a distant memory. A past. An untold story, long forgotten in the back of my mind.

"Not entirely." The man said begrudgingly whilst turning his attention to a leather book which sat on his desk. "You've been put in hiding for now, that's all. If the Ministry were to hear of 'your involvement', I'm afraid you'd be in debt of unfortunate consequence."


"How? Why?" I blurted as Phineas Black picked up the old book. I eyed the old text, confusion lingering in my gaze. "Don't I have any say in this? My friends, my life? I'm moving in with a—with a damned stranger?"

"That Gaunt already volunteered to help bring your material. He'll recite your lessons and keep your dignity." The man handed me the leather book. "An ancient text. There are some useful tips in here."

I thumbed through the first page, startled to see it empty. "The book is empty." I said, my gaze flickering to the unbeknownst one of the Headmaster. "And Ominis knows what he's been acquainted to do?"

"Give it time." He snapped, turning away from me. "The train arrives at six. Pack your things. Ominis will be alerted in soon time. I suggest you keep quiet, yet again. We'll have a cover story planned, in regards of your soon and sudden absence. Be gone."

My eyes glistened in horror as the hairs around my neck prickled. I tightened my grip of my robe's collar as I cuffed it. "Please, sir, there must be another way."

The man let out a gruff sigh of unease. "Be gone. Please."

"But my family? My mom?" I never talked of my drunken mom, from the Americas,  yet surely she would rather be alerted of everything.

"Y/N, the decision has been made. I suggest you leave before my next course of action."





ok so this chapter was supposed to be longer but again for personal reasons and some i've shared i've been busy. i'd hoped this chapter could be longer but i'm trying to get back into this writing. thanks for reading and make sure to leave tips/suggestions 

this has not been proofread lmaoooo

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