Chapter 12

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I stormed into the dormitory, anger gnawing at the whole in my chest.

"Ugh!" I angrily pushed at my mattress, pathetically balling my fists on the raggedy sheets. "This is so unfair, so fucking, fucking unfair."

Had I not any say in this? I barely got to talk to Natsai Onai, though I doubted that she'd ever talk to me again. I barely conversed with Poppy.



"What do you want, Imelda?" I huffed. I made sure my back was turned away from her, my eyes still watery from the sudden turn of tables. I cast accio on my suitcase while dragging the now lightweight luggage onto the foot of my bed. "Can't you tell I'm busy?"

Imelda let out a small chuckle. "Funny. Where you plan on goin'?" There was a slight edge to her voice. Genuine concern.

"Not that it matters to you," I said, "but you'll hear about it soon enough."

My clothes, my wand, check. Makeup: check. Books, journal, photos-

"-Y/N, what happened." Imelda raised her voice and came up behind me. I only now just noticed her sweat droplets creasing the lines on her forehead, her slick hair falling in small waves. She must've been at Quidditch practice. "You're not leaving, are you?" The perceptive girl folded a couple of the nightgowns I had sprawled on my bed. Handing me the flaky nightwear, she grabbed my arm. "Just tell me."

I winced at her grab, the taller girl intimidating me in an unexplainable way. "I can't say. Headmaster's rule." My voice wobbled on my tongue, as if the truth was one wrong step from spilling out! Why do you care?

"Ah!" Imelda Reyes raised hey eyebrows. "Scandals with the Headmaster now? I'll be damned, Y/L, even I'm surprised. Not bad for a wannabe Slytherin."

I chuckled, much to my surprise. "You always find a way to insult me, Reyes." I zipped the suitcase, mostly all of my belongings packed tightly away. "Do you mind sending this to the Headmaster's office for me?"

"You actually expect me to carry your stuff for you?" Imelda yapped while reluctantly proceeding to grab my luggage. "I need to stop by the area anyways. And the Library." She paused, before meeting my wavering gaze. "Damn. You're actually leaving." Reyes cocked her head to the side. "You're not upset.."

It's not a question. An accusation?

"I'm as surprised as you are. I guess it hasn't hit me yet." I muttered, making my way to the exit of the dorm room. Imelda only looked after me, her mouth ajar and twisted as if there was more she should have said.




I traveled the halls, my head low. Word must have spread around about the loss of Sebastian. Or Luke Smithington, I should say.

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