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Break was over, my brothers hadn't gotten back yet and it's been over half an hour since they left. Within those 30 something minutes, word has already spread about three hooded male students who jumped the fence and knocked out the guards.

It wasn't difficult for me to figure out that they were my brothers and that asshole Emir. Though I'm curious if Emir had any part in knocking out the guards or if it was just my brothers.

Either way, I know Sam and Chace would get away with it even if they got caught. Wouldn't be the first time. I've also been able to get away with any 'rebellious behaviour', as the vice principal would say, and it's all thanks to our parents.

The school is easily intimidated by dad and we still don't really understand why. I mean sure dad is scary looking when he's not smiling, but I can't help but think that there's another reason.

All i can think of is that theres a rumour about his past, but no matter how much I dug, i couldn't find anything controversial. Sam and Chace also got curious but they weren't able to find anything either.

We just ended it with thinking that everyone is intimidated by him more so because of his money and the powerful family he comes from.

Though we sometimes think that maybe he also caused trouble in the area and city when he was our age. Maybe he was simply known as the careless and rich trouble maker.

I don't know. But there's definitely something. Or it could simply be that he's often observed for his immense strength and fighting skills in the family gym. It's no secret that dear father has the strength of a tank. Thinking about it, it makes sense to be intimidated by a man like that, with both strength and power.

As for mum, everyone describes her as naturally having an intimidating aura, specifically with men. Of course that idea is upheld since she's known for kicking ass in her own successful self defence gym.

I never get tired of watching my mum drop multiple men at a time like dead weight during her classes. She's so cool, Dad says it all the time.

I get to my next class and my chest heaves when I see Penny and her second bestfriend in it too. She probably tells them both she likes one more than the other, letting them feel of value enough to be her puppies.

I already know as I make way to the empty desk infront of them, they're planning to make my life as miserable as they can, more than they managed to last year.

They make it their mission to torment me in new ways every fucking year, and they make sure they're worse than the last.

Their eyes laser the back of my head, I can feel it, there's snickers and it's pissing me off. But of course I just have to bite my tongue and ignore it as usual.

Biology is something I enjoy learning so I'm not going to let these bastards ruin this class for me. But if i'm being realistic, they'll manage to.

Miss Heggins puts up the session notes, papers rustle as pages around me flip, and pens click, while I'm taking a couple deep breaths.

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