Chapter 9 - Blurring party light

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At dinner time I walk down into the dining room, dad and Alexander are both on their phone. I take my usual seat without getting a single look from any of them. Shortly after Robin and Lorenz walk in and take a seat next to me. It's only now I realize that the table is set for five people. Salvatore, Diego, and Matteo are missing.

"Where are the others?" I ask, maids walk in and serve our dinner, spaghetti bolognaise. Dad and Alexander put their phones away. Dad turns his attention to me. "Sorry sweetheart, what did you say?"

"Where are the others?" I ask again.

"The twins are with some friends, and Salvatore is at work."

"What is Salvatore's job?"

"He's a bartender."

"Uuh, can he make those cool skills, where he spin the bottle and stuff?" Robin asks excitedly, lifted from his seat.

"Yes," a smirk forms on dad's lips, "he sure can."

"Cool," he grins and sits back down, "can we go and visit him tonight?" He asks, I can't help but notice how comfortable he has become around dad and everybody, even Matteo.

Dad and Alexander exchange looks. "Sure, but I have to make an important phone call in a half and an hour, so we will go after that."

"Awesome!" Dad smiles and begins eating.

I wipe my sweaty hands in my pants. "Can I come too?" I ask unsurely.

"Of course you can, you don't have to ask," dad says, I smile and start eating too.


We jump out of the car, onto the sidewalk filled with young people in a long line to a club. Two doormen with black t-shirts over their big muscles, are letting people in after they have checked their ID. The music from the club sounds, mixing with peoples laughing and talking, and turn into a buzzing when the door closes again.

The chauffeur stays inside the car, and I follow dad up to the doormen. There is a fence with a little gate that the doorman opens the second he notices dad. He lets Robin and I walk in first, skipping the whole line.

We walk inside the huge club, young people dancing, drinking, kissing. There is a huge bar to the left, I spot Salvatore in the bar making some impressive skills in front of a group of girls.

"Wow!" Robin blurts out, Robin runs the opposite way of where Salvatore is and towards a arcade machine. He has played the whole day with Lorenz, and he still gets excited when he gets the chance to play.

"Robin," dad shouts after him, but Robin doesn't hear anything, probably because of the blasting music and talking people. Even though he doesn't show it, I feel that he doesn't know whether to stay with me or follow Robin.

"I will go to Salvatore, don't worry about me," I rush to say and walk up to the bar after he nods and goes after Robin.

I go sit on one of the bar chairs, leaving two chairs between the giggling girls and me.

"Hey Sal." His head snaps to me, his smile turns wider. He stops his little show and finishes the drink and slides it over to one of the giggling girls. She places her elbows on the counter making it very difficult to ignore her boobs, but to her disappointment Salvatore's focus is everywhere else than her.

"Hey Alfredo! Do you mind serving these ladies over here?" he shouts at the other bartender.

"Not at all!" Says a young black-haired guy, he has a streak of white in his black hair like the body of a skunk. He walks over to the girls, and his ear glints for a second when the light hits his silver earring.

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