Chapter 15 - Darkness

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"-And then I woke up in the hospital," Alessia ends. She is resting her head on her knees with tears dripping down her knee and sliding down her leg until it reaches the fabric of her already wet shorts that absorb the salty tears.

I don't know what I'm feeling, angry? Sad? Guilt? The urge to murder? I think I'm all of them. Seeing the tears falling on her pretty face breaks my heart in thousands of thousands of pieces.

I'm mad, mad at that bastard who hurt my daughter and thinking about hurting my son, he'll pay, he will beg us to kill him.

I'm mad, mad at myself for not being there, I know I couldn't, I know that I did everything I could to find my kids, I did my best, but knowing that if I maybe just tried at little harder, or just did one thing different, I could have prevented my kids get hurt and traumatized.

I hear a sob from another than Alessia, my neck turns to find the owner of the sobs, Robin is crying into Lorenz's neck. Seeing Lorenz have it under control, I turn my gaze back to Alessia.

Before I get to react, Alessia stands up with tears down her cheeks and rushes through the crowd, only to be stopped by Alexander with so much hurt in his eyes seeing his sister like this.

They look deep into each other's eyes, each of them with tears in their eyes, Alessia more than Alexander, even the strongest men cry, even though he has been trained to hide his emotions for years.

It looks like they have a silent conversation with their eyes and Alexander hesitantly lets go of her, he knows she needs to be alone right now.


It's 10 pm, Pietro, Carlos, Angela, and Roy are out getting everything sorted out for the day after tomorrow and getting Alessia her crème for her bruises.

"Are you okay Robin?" my mom asks him, walking over and sits beside him and gently rubs his back.

He shakes his head and a quiet 'no' leaves his mouth before he lies his head back on Lorenz' shoulder. Lorenz wraps his arms around him and hugs him tightly. It warms my heart how close they have gotten. I see how mature he has gotten since he became a big brother.

"Robin," I say quietly, getting his attention, "do you have any injuries?" I ask him, I need to be sure, he could hide it too for reasons I don't know. To my surprise he begins to chuckle before he answers me.
"Do you really think Alessia wouldn't have made sure of that already?" he asks me with amusement in his eyes. It was the first time in hours anyone let out a chuckle, lifting the mood a bit, but it quickly drops again. The others look at my sons and I like we have lost our minds; they don't know how protective Alessia is.

I hear the front door open and close again and Pietro walks in with Carlos, Roy, and Angela.

"Anyone talked with Alessia?" Carlos asks, it's a rare sight to see him surrounded by family without a grin on his face.

"No," a few mumbles.

"Did you find anything?" Roy ask Dominic,

"No," he sighs and shakes his head. Roy nods in understanding, but doesn't look happy, why would he?

"You got her the crème?" I ask Pietro.

"Yeah, I will go give it to her," he says and turns around.

"No." He stops and looks at me, while I stand up. "I will," I say and take the crème out of his hand and walk right past him.

I walk up to Alessia's room deep in thought, I want to talk to her, I'm just not sure how to handle it.

It's funny how I have raised five kids on my own, running a whole mafia and several bars, casinos, and hotels but I don't know how to handle my daughter's sadness.

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