Chapter 18 - Jack

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"DAD! DAD!" I turn around to see Robin coming running.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, confused. He gets closer and I see tears streaming down his face.

"It's- it's Alessia."

Alexander and the twins are the first on their feet, on their way to her room, but Robin stops them. "NO, she's not up there!"

"Robin what happened?" I ask him, I pull him closer to me making him stand between my legs.

"She called." He tries to control his breath. "I think someone texted her as-as they were me." He falls crying into my arms. "Someone took her, dad, Someone took her!"

"Where is she?" my dad asks him.

"I don't know. I don't know."

"What are we waiting for! Let's go find her!" Alexander shouts, and everyone stands up.

My mind is frozen, my body is frozen. My world is frozen.

I sit with Robin in my arms, people running past me, that I know are there, but I don't register it, I am here but I'm not here.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see my dad looking down at me.

"Let's go inside," his deep voice says. It's only now I realize Robin isn't in my arms anymore.

"Your mom took Robin inside," my dad tells me; he must have sensed my confusion.

On the way inside, it's like everything starts to become clearer. My daughter is gone, she has been kidnapped, and I'm here, home, not doing anything.

"I need to go out and find her," I say before walking towards the front door to get my car.
"No." My dad stops me, I try to walk past him, but he steps in front of me again.

"I need to help."

"Everyone is already out looking for her, and Baldassare have called his best men to try and track her, looking through videotapes in different areas of the city- "
"It's Not Good Enough!" I bang my hand into the wall. "My Daughter Is Out There Needing My Help. I'm Not Gonna Sit Here And Lose Her Again. I CAN'T LOSE HER AGAIN!"


One day passes by.

I'm standing in the living room. The couches have been removed and replaced with four rows of tables, filled with 20 of the best IT people, trying to track down my daughter.

The room isn't filled with the usual joy, chatting, and laughing but with 20 keyboards typing, 20 mouses clicking, several phone calls, every time I feel a spark of hope that there is something new about my daughter but each time, they just put down the phone and type something on their computer, and each time the emptiness inside me grow and the spark disappear.

Alexander walks inside. He comes from the place where Alessia got kidnapped that we were able to track.

I immediately walk over to him. "Something new?" I ask.

"Well, it was definitely there that she got kidnapped." He holds up a plastic bag with Alessia's destroyed phone. "We also found something that could be blood, but it could be all from animal blood to Alessia's own so don't get your hopes up, the chances for it to be that asshole is small."

I nod. "Good job." I clap him on his shoulder.

I have been a terrible dad lately, I do everything I can to show that I appreciate them, but it's hard.

"You're doing great dad," Alexander tells me like he can read my mind. He cracks a smile before he walks out again.

I go to my office and sit, trying to help in some way,

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