Moment of Quiet

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(Y/n) finished attaching Dogdays legs back. It took some time due to how big his torso was, but they managed to get the stitches to stay together. "There should be good now, alright, big guy, let's get you on your feet." (Y/n) gently took his hands and helped him into his feet. It took Dogday a second to get his balance but soon stood up straight his tail was
wagging behind him. "Feel anything?" (Y/n) looked around at the stitches, making sure they didn't snap or anything."Kinda? A bit tingly, " Dogday mused, taking a few small steps. "Well, your tail is wagging. So that's a good sign. " (Y/n) smiled."I'm sure the tingling is just you getting used to having your legs again," they reasoned, and Dogday nodded at this slowly, getting his barrings.

"Once you're ready, let's get out of this place before those abominations -" The Bobby plush toy hit (Y/n)'s arm, taking great offense to that "Sorry sorry before those plush toys find a way over here" Dogday chuckled "This one has a lot of spunk" he observed petting the plush on the head. The plush climbed up to rest on (Y/n)'s shoulder as the trio made their way out of the hellish Playhouse.

(Y/n) sighed in relief once they were outside, happy to not be running for their life for the moment. Dogday took everything in he hasn't seen the outside since the Hour of Joy it was kinda overwhelming. Before anyone can dwell on their feelings, a phone started to ring. (Y/n) answered Ollie's voice spoke up on the other end. "Hey, are you alright? No ouchies or missing body parts?" (Y/n) huffed in exhaustion."Fine as I can be. Made some new friends, " they said and gave the phone to Dogday."Hello?" Ollie gasped."Dogday! It's good to hear you're alive! I thought you perished with the others. " Ollie sounded surprised, and Dogday sighed "No Catnap kept me alive," he always wondered why Catnap kept him alive and not the others. He wished he had perished with them.

"Well, it's good to know (Y/n) isn't alone! Can you give them the phone? I gotta tell them something important. " Dogday gave the phone back to (Y/n), who rubbed their eyes a bit so they didn't fall asleep."We're close to the end. I'm sending another key to the counselors it's not ideal, but that backup generator will have enough juice! Just be careful. Every shadow and every flickering light is a hiding spot he'll take away your defenses and when you're most vulnerable. He'll kill you. Good luck, talk soon, " and with that, the line went dead.

"Well, that was reassuring.." (Y/n) mumbled "well let's grab that key and head over to the counselors office. " Dogday and the plush nodded, making their way to the statue to retrieve the key.


Inside the Counselors Office, the trio decided to take this moment of peace and rest in one of the offices. (Y/n) looked around and found a pen and paper. "Alright, here you go, little guy now we can ask them questions" (Y/n) sat close to Dogday, who was keeping an eye out just in case. Even though the door was closed and locked, he didn't trust that Catnap wouldn't do something. He couldn't lose another person he cared about because of him.

"Ok, little guy, you have a name?" (Y/n) was the first to ask. The plush took the pen and clumsily wrote two upper case B's on the paper. "Your name is BB? Huh, that's an interesting name. " (Y/n) was intrigued they wanted to ask more but wanted to give Dogday a chance to ask. Dogday cleared his throat "BB you don't look like the other plush toys who has been taking care of you?" BB paused, then scribbled something down."Uh, kinda hard to read, but I think it says...A friend," Dogday hummed. "Care to elaborate?" BB shook their head no and wrote 'not right now, focus on task, tell later' (Y/n) shrugged "alright fair enough, well, one more question where did you come from? The Playhouse?" BB shook their head no again and scribbled on the paper one last time.

"The labs? You came from the labs?" (Y/n) was shocked that was far underground hidden away that barely anyone knew of its existence."It's very far underground even I don't know much about them except that living toys came from there" (Y/n) mumbled in thought, leaning back against Dogdays side "well thanks for answering our questions BB" (Y/n) smiled and BB nodded climbing onto their lap and falling asleep "Little guy must've tired themselves out.." (Y/n) patted their back gently. (Y/n) had to admit they were pretty cute.

"Angel, you look tired. You should get some rest." Dogday noticed the bags under their eyes it was clear that (Y/n) was exhausted. "Dogday... I'm so sorry.." Dogday was shocked at the sudden apology "Angel why-?" (Y/n) sniffled, tears threatening to fall."I abandoned you all... You were all suffering, and I was oblivious... I could've come sooner, but...I...I was so selfish...I left you all to die and..I'm not worthy to call myself a caregiver much less call myself your friend...I failed everyone" (Y/n) burst into tears their guilt finally getting the better of them. They should've been here. Maybe they could've done something to help.

Dogday was silent, taking in what they said. Then, he pulled them into a tight hug. "Angel, you couldn't have known that would happen...If you were here that day, I....You wouldn't be here now... So I'm glad you stayed away that you didn't die...Cause right now... I can't lose anyone else.." he whispered his words, cracking from unshed tears, as he held them close.

(Y/n) was stunned before hugging him back. The two stayed like that before (Y/n) pulled away. "What happened to them... The other Smiling Critters I think you mentioned that you were the last one?" Dogday looked away, not wanting to remember that horrible memory, but not wanting to keep it to himself."Catnap killed them all. Bubba, Hoppy, Picky, Crafty, Kickin, and Bobby, he killed them when they were trying to escape.." (Y/n) took in the information and then realized that he left someone out."What about Hopesong...?"

Dogday hesitated before letting the tears fall. "I-I don't know what Catnap d-did to her...He wouldn't tell me...The bastard wouldn't tell me what he did to my daughter.." Dogday sobbed thinking about his friends smiling faces and Hopesongs wonder filled eyes just reminded him of how much he lost because of that monster. (Y/n) frowned more and gently patted his head in comfort. There was nothing they could do to fix the broken heart of a father, but they could soothe the pain if only a little.


The group fell asleep, too exhausted, to continue on their journey. This quiet respite was temporary, but it was better than never getting any rest.

Unbeknownst to them, Catnap watched from the shadows as they slept it would be so easy to kill them now, but the prototype had forbidden it until the time was right. This didn't upset Catnap he liked to play with his food.

Dangers lurk in every shadow, but even this unlikely trio needs their rest. For soon hope will burn like a blaze.

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