Crawl through the Dark

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Hopesong slammed again the door one last time. She had been banging on the locked door for what felt like hours. She yelled in frustration, kicking a trash can nearby. She sat down with her back against the door, pulling her knees up to her chest. Why would he do this? Why would Dogday leave her here? All sorts of questions swirled in her head. Unfortunately, she wasn't alone.

"Why so sad....My dear niece," Hopesong froze, hearing the familiar voice. "U-uncle Catnap...?" She looked around for any sign of the cat, but there was only darkness. " My dear niece....What makes you think you can help anyone...?" hopesong shook her head, covering her ears. "No! You aren't him! He's gone!" She looked around for a way out she needed to escape.

"You are NOTHING but a waste, Hopesong. And you will end up just like your dear Papa. Alone and DEAD. " A metal hand suddenly lunged at her from the darkness. It was the prototype. Hopesong quickly jumped out of the way. She needed to get out of there now. Otherwise, she was as good as dead. Suddenly, a metal cover of a vent fell to the floor, and small Huggy Wuggys beckoned her inside. She didn't hesitate and climbed into the vent.

That wasn't the end of her troubles as the prototype tried impaling her piecing its sharp metal fingers through the metal of the vent. Hopesong continued dodging and crawling faster until she fell further down the vents with a scream. She groaned in pain, slowly sitting up the metal vent cover swinging above her. She appeared to be in a supply closet now. Hopesong slowly got to her feet, her wing flapping before resting against her back again.

Hopesong looked in front of her and saw the door was off its hinges, allowing her to leave. She quickly left the closet in search of her family she was still mad, furious even, but right now, they were in grave danger. They needed her.


"You did what!?" Poppy yelled in shock and anger."You locked her in a room and then left her there!? Have you lost your mind!?" Dogday growled gripping the cannon."I did what was best for her safety she was planning on getting herself killed!" Poppy scoffed,"and you thought locking her in a random room would keep her safe!?" (Y/n) watched the two helplessly as the argument became heated."Yes! It was for her safety that we could take care of the prototype ourselves!" Dogday barked back his white eyes glowing into blazes.

Finally, (Y/n) couldn't take it anymore. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" The sudden shout startled both Poppy and Dogday into silence. BB was looking down the hall, longingly waiting for Hopesong to show up, but it knew she wouldn't be showing up. (Y/n) pinched the bridge of their nose, taking deep breaths to calm themselves. "We need to make a plan with Hopesong not here. We don't know how to work the cannon, so now we have to make a new plan," Poppy nodded at (Y/n) before giving a sharp glare at Dogday. She couldn't believe of all the stupid things he decided to lock his daughter in a random room. Alone. And now they were left with no one to operate the cannon and no plan.

Dogday looked at the ground, starting to rethink his decision, but then he thought of her dying face, her empty eyes, the blood. He couldn't let that happen even if it killed him inside to leave her like that it was for the best. At least, that's what he told himself.

(Y/n) looked down the hall into the darkness. "We need to keep going. Otherwise, the prototype might catch onto us we'll think of a plan on the way. " The silence was their only answer as the group continued into the darkness.

Unaware that the prototype was watching them. Waiting for them. It couldn't wait to add them to its body.


Hopesong wandered the empty halls of the labs. She tried to keep her mind on the task at hand, but her heart wouldn't let her forget Dogdays abandonment. Did he think she was too weak to help? Did he think he couldn't handle the decision to give her life? She replayed their conversation over and over. Maybe she should've been more transparent with her plans, and then Dogday wouldn't have done what he did.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the little ones pushed open a vent cover and threw Hopesong a whistle. She grabbed It and wrapped it around her neck. "You know the plan get to the prototypes lair, and I'll blow the whistle when it's time," the little ones nodded and hurried down the vents. If Dogday planned to sacrifice himself, then she would stop him. She wasn't that naive to not see how he looked at (Y/n) it was clear that they were smitten for each other. He deserved that happiness with (Y/n) to have a life together with them. And if that meant giving up her life then so be it.

With that thought steeling itself into her mind, she rushed down the hall to find her family. Though she was stopped by debris blocking the way. She huffed in frustration and went into the vents crawling her way through.


The group paused, seeing a large door blocking the way. (Y/n) looked at the sign over the door that said '1006 containment area'. This must've been the place the prototype decided to make his lair it made sense in a way. It turned its prison into its own area of operation.

(Y/n) took a deep breath "Alright everyone agree with the plan?" Dogday and Poppy nodded, listening as BB bit through the wires locking the door."I just hope Hopesong is alright.." Poppy mumbled, looking at the ground still unsure if the new plan would work.

Dogday looked away, keeping the cannon close. "She'll be fine. Once this is over, we'll go back for her," Poppy raised a brow."What makes you think she'll want to see you?" Dogday winced a bit, gripping the cannon more. (Y/n) shot the red hand at the red hand panel when it lit up, and after some time, the door opened.

"Alright, lets end this,

The evils den has been open, and now the end is fast approaching. The evil has rigged the game, but maybe with a bit of luck, it can be tilted in another's favor.

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