Freedom within Reach

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After the death of Huggy Wuggy...

Hopesong had established herself in the lab, and for the last ten years, she has kept tabs on the prototype. It became a routine of hers. Wake up, get ready to run for your life, see what the prototype was doing, grab supplies, and then return to what she called "The Hub." She turned the small area of conference rooms into a safe haven for the smaller and weaker toys that struggled to survive.

She would sometimes find ones that were injured and bring them back to fix them. In return for her kindness, they would bring her food and whatever they could find. Hopesong was a little content, but the want to return to the Playcare grew every day. There were vents leading to the upper levels, but Hopesong couldn't risk her little ones getting killed by the hostile bigger bodies.

To keep herself busy in The Hub, she started building a green hand cannon. She noticed how the prototype avoided anything electrical to the point that it stayed away from anything that sparked. Taking that into account, she started building the cannon, so the green hand could take in a lot of energy so much that when it was launched at a target, they would explode.

Unfortunately, all of her tests of the cannon led to her getting blown up instead, but she couldn't give up, not with the possibility of freedom in sight. She waited this long to get home she didn't mind waiting a little longer.

However, her world was turned upside down when she discovered the prototype dragging away the body of Huggy Wuggy presumably to add it into its collective conscious and new body. Someone was killing the hostile bigger bodies. This was her chance, but she couldn't send her little ones to the upper levels with nothing. She had to find some way she could send a message to the savior. She only had one shot at this she couldn't let it slip from her grasp.


"WHY does everything have to be horrifying and trying to eat me!?" Hopesong exclaimed as she ran. What looked to be an owl screeched at her blood oozing from its mouth. It was falling apart at the seams' blood and other viscera drenching its falling apart body.

Hopesong looked around and jumped into an office. The creature ran past where the office was screeching and growling until Hopesong could no longer hear its horrifying yells. She sighed, rubbing her head "alright let's look in here..." she started looking around in the room for the one thing she desired. Eventually, she came across a small box and looked through it she was about to stop looking through the contents until she finally found what she was looking for.

"Yes! A camera! It's a little busted, but I'm sure I can figure out something. " she giggled and put the camera in her bag."Alright, I think that's everything. The rest is back at the hub. All I need to do is get back... Without being eaten," she stretched a bit before leaving the safety of the office.

The halls no longer had bodies since they were all dragged away somewhere a long time ago and eaten. How did she know this? She unfortunately came across the piles of bodies and found Huggy, Mommy, and Catnap feasting on the bodies. That was something she wished she had forgotten about. The only thing that remained was the dried blood stains and left behind items some destroyed some still intact.

Food was hard to find for her since she vehemently refused to eat human flesh. The little ones made the mistake of offering it to her as a 'thank you', and she went into a full-on panic attack at the sight of a human arm. Hopesong had to explain, and from that day, the little ones never brought her human flesh they brought her things they found in vending machines and what was left behind.

It was times of quiet as she walked the empty halls that her mind drifted to happier times. She missed the days when she could ask Bubba anything, and he'd answer eagerly, when Picky made her delicious food, when Kickin would show her how to be cool, when Hoppy showed her how to kick a soccer ball, when Bobby gave her warm hugs, when Crafty made her beautiful pictures, when Catnap used to listen to her worries and reassure her, and when Dogday would hold her close and protect her. She missed them all. She still wasn't even sure if her papa was alive.

She also started to remember things from the lab. Nothing concrete, just small memories and sounds. She never dwelled long on those, but she couldn't help the feeling of uneasiness when she was near an operating table. At The Hub, she pressed the down button on the remote and went to the room made for her engineering work.

She put the camera down and got to work. This was her only chance it had to work. If it didn't, she wasn't sure if she could hold on to hope anymore.


Dogday stared at the TV screen as tears went down his face. Hopesong was alive. His daughter was alive!

(Y/n) gently patted his back as Hopesong continued, "I hope I'm talking to the person who killed Huggy and Mommy, and if I am, then thank you its because of you that I'm comfortable sending BB up without any worry they'll get killed" BB waved on Hopesongs shoulder in the video "By the time you watch this I assume you have killed my un- I mean Catnap" she cleared her throat in discomfort "Anyway with Catnap gone the Prototype has deemed you "worthy" to try and stop it, but this thing doesn't play fair it'll manipulate you, think that you have the upper hand, until you don't. He'll never let you win. Which is why I'm going to help you. " Hopesong smiled a determined glint in her eyes.

(Y/n) was surprised, and Dogday was also shocked. "Now I have a plan, but it's best if I tell you face to face just in case. BB has a map of where The Hub is. I'll meet you halfway once I hear the lift descending, but be careful... There are horrible and hungry creatures down here that won't hesitate to kill and eat you, so stay on your toes" (Y/n) groaned."Of course, why was I expecting things to be easy?" Dogday patted (Y/n) on the head gently.

Hopesong took a shakey breath "and....and if you're watching this papa...I...I've really missed you and...and I can't wait to see you...I love you papa" Hopesong broke down into tears ans Dogday felt his heart shatter seeing his daughter so broken and so scared "My little pegasus..." Hopesong wiped her tears away and took deep breaths."I'll see you soon, savior. Please hurry." Was the last thing she said before the static took over the screen again.

"No, no, no! Don't go, not yet! Please! Hopesong!" Dogday exclaimed, holding the TV more tears going down his face. (Y/n) hugged Dogday. "Don't worry, we'll find her she said she'd meet us halfway when we go into the labs, " they said, scratching behind his ears.

Poppy nodded "mhm as soon as we get to the labs, we'll find her Dogday. I promise, " Dogday sniffled and nodded."ok..." He looked at the elevator over the large hole through his tears, his eyes narrowed in determination.

"I'm coming, my little pegasus, and I promise I will never lose you again..."

Determination and hope burn once more in a father who thought he lost everything, and he will never let his precious daughter go. Never again.

(A/n: at the bottom is some art of what Hopesong looks like after ten years! Stay tuned for some baseball bat action!)

(A/n: at the bottom is some art of what Hopesong looks like after ten years! Stay tuned for some baseball bat action!)

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