The Bar

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OK here's the first part! y/hc= your hair color. y/ec=your eye color. y/sc= your skin color. Sadly I don't know who the artist is but just know it's not me.
As always if you have any ideas or input please let me know! As always enjoy your reading!)

It was a was a cooler afternoon in Texas. You and your friend were finally making it. You were on the bed of the truck looking out as y/hc blew in the cooler wind. You wore a leather croc top jacket. Underneath was just a black tanktop. You had skinny jeans on with black boots that only had one inch heels. You wore fake diamond earrings.

You were lost in the beautiful scenery. The sun was setting making a beautiful color out of the normally blue sky. The large open fields barely catching the sun's light.
I suddenly snap my head to look at my best friend Skyler. She had a big smile on her face as she shook her head.
"God thought I lost you for a moment."
She giggled as our other friends joined her. I rolled my eyes. Then my other friend Jake spoke up.
"Well don't get to lost, were about to be hitting the bar."
I then titled my head confused.
"Were not gonna go to the cabin and drop our stuff off first?"
My other friend Liberty looked at me like I committed a crime.
"Hell no! You think we were on the road for hours just to pack it in!? Were getting wasted tonight baby!"
She cheered as my other friends joined her. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh. One thing I know for sure is they are the lights of my life. My best friend Skyler sits closer to me, she held out her hand.
"Hand me the lighter, we wanna smoke a blunt before getting there! You should take a hit or two. Help calm your social anxiety nerves before getting to the bar."
I punch my friend in the arm only a little hard. She was the only one out of the group who knew I had it. I don't like making it into my personality or a big deal. Skyler then takes a blunt out of her pocket before putting the tip towards my mouth. I then take it into my mouth as I pull out the lighter. I cup my hands around the flame as I took a long drag out of the blunt. I hand it to her and softly let the smoke leave my lungs. My friends cheer me on as they all excitedly now wait their turns. I turn my head looking back out at the fields. I could feel as the blunt was slowly kicking in letting my nerves drift away.

Only forty minutes later we pull up to a bar. There was kind of loud music playing. You couldn't only softly hear it from the outside. Skyler and I open the tail gate and step out. I could feel as my sore legs finally got a stretch. I turn to see everyone else out and stretching. My other friend Luke gets out of the driver seat amd heads towards us.
"Well...are we drinking or what?"
Luke said with a sly smirk on his face. Everyone cheers and all start rushing into the bar. I take a deep breath before following behind. Right as I was about to walk in I heard someone's frustration. I stop and turn my head towards the grunting. There was a man standing under a street light. He had slick back black hair. He was wearing a t-shirt that had the arms ripped off and some pants. He wore these older looking boots. I then focus more on his face. He had a scar over his dark brown eyes. was this man attractive or what? I then shook the thought from my head. I noticed him trying to light a cigarette, but his lighter wasn't working. I then remembered the lighter in my pocket. I reach in my back pocket as I start approaching him. Once to him I light the lighter and put it on the cigarette. He looked surprised as his eyes darted to me. I smile nervously as I spoke up.
"Looks like you were having some troubles.."
Once the cigarette was lit I pulled the lighter away. I then hold out the lighter for him to take.
"Here, I've got plenty of them. I'm the lighter holder of the group."
I said making a small joke. I watched as he took the lighter. With his other hand he takes the cigarette out of his mouth. A smirk slides across his face, with this the smoke slips put hugging his face; showing off more of his facial features.
"Well thank what's your name beautiful~?"
This man said with deeper voice. I felt a small heat rush to my face as he called me beautiful. I then tried to shake the thought once more, it wasn't like me to like a man so quickly.
"My name...oh it's y/n, what is yours?"
He stared at me for a moment before speaking once again.
"What a beautiful name for such a beautiful women. My name is Johnny, now what's a pretty women like you doing by here you're lonesome?"
He said as he put the cigarette back in his mouth taking another hit.
"Oh no no I'm not alone, I'm here with my friends."
I said smiling softly.
"I probably should actually get back to my  friends they are probably getting worried. It was nice talking to you though, have a good night Johnny."
I said as I turned my body to leave. That's when I felt him grab my hand. I was shocked as I quickly turn my head to look at him once more. He had this look that made a shiver go down my spine. He was smirking but not just any smirk...he looked like a wild animal mocking his prey.
"Now now don't be like that beautiful. I have an even better idea. How about me and you go back to my place~?"
It almost made me angry. How dare he grab me like that and ask that. I was about to snap back but I was cut off.
"Y/N you slow bitch com- oh?"
Skyler said as she stood at the bar door trying to now figure out my situation. That's when I pull my arm away looking back at Johnny.
"I will pass on your offer."
I said sharply before walking over to my friend. I got one last look at the man. He seems shocked but soon that look turned into a evil grin as he softly laughed to himself. Damn now that's creepy.

"Soooo we gonna talk about why you were talking to a big sexy macho man~?"
Skyler said as she wiggled her eyebrows. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"He wanted me to go home with him, of course I declined."
Skyle gasped as she grabbed onto my arm. She was looking at me like I was crazy.
"WHAT!? WHY!?"
She shouted as a scowl at her.
"Skyler you know I don't do one night stands! If your so head over heels for him you go for it, but leave me out of it!"
I said as I watched her expression change from surprise to more calm.
"Listen your right, I know better than that. But you could have at least offered him to drink with us! You know start building that connection, your never gonna find a man being so closed off to every single one."
Skyler said as she now stood infront of me looking more sympathetic. I took a deep breath and thought about it. She was right I never do offer to build connections when a guy hits on me.
"You're right...I'll try to be more open."
I said smiling softly. She smiles widely as she nods her head.
"Great now I'm going to invite him to drink with us!"
Skyler said turning her heel and heading for the door. I was taken back and tried to follow her. Oh God this is going to turn awkward.
"Skyler, Skyler no!"
I said panicking as I followed her. When we got outside there was no one in sight. He had already left. I sighed with relief as Skyler rolled her eyes. She grabbed onto my arm and dragged me back in.
"Alright I'm to sober for this. Time to get wasted!"
Skyler cheered as she dragged me to the bar. I couldn't help but laugh softly at this.

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