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Alright now the story gets juicy, so buckle up were going for a ride! Art is by fhae On Twitter)

      Sometime later I slowly starting gaining my consciousness. Everything was blurry and all I could hear was one of my friends screaming. He was screaming quite loud. Soon my vision cleared and I could feel my head spinning, this pounding pain was all I could feel. There was a wretched smell making my nose burn. I slowly look over at my friend who was screaming in agony. It was Jake, but he was screaming for a good reason. He was stuck on a hook, it went into his back and it was the only thing keeping him in the air. A heavy amount of blood ran down his back as tears fell into the puddle of blood below him. I just frozen, I couldn't move or speak. My heart was pounding out my chest. I felt as my breathing quickened, a moment later I let out a gut reaching scream. I felt as tears rolled down my face. I looked at my own body to see if I was pierced as well. No I wasn't but I was stuck on the ceiling hook with my hands bound together. I turn my head back towards Jake, he was looking at me as he continued to scream in agony. I could tell he wanted my help. I thought for a moment before getting an idea.
"OK Jake...I-I'm gonna wrap my legs around you ok?...When I count to three we need to b-both lift to get you off ok?"
I could hear my voice shaking as I tried to explain a plan to him. He sobs as he nods grabbing onto the hook he was hanging from. I swing my body as I quickly wrap my legs around his waist. He grunted in pain and I winced seeing it made him move on the hook.
"I'm sorry!...o-ok umm were going to count...1...2...3!!!"
I yelled three as I tried with all of my might to lift him off. He screamed in pain as his body started to lift off the hook. Soon his body dropped to the ground. He laid on the ground as he cried in pain, his body was shaking violently. I looked at his back and felt as I almost needed to puke, there was now a gaping hole in his back. Blood poured heavily from the wound. I looked away as tears left my eyes.
"How...why...why is this happening, what's going on?"
I said softly as I looked around the room. Jake soon stood to his feet and he stood in front of me. I look right at him as he had a mixed face of anger and pain.
"...why weren't you hooked?..."
Jake said softly to where I could bearly hear him.
"...what, what did you say?"
I said back hoping to hear him. His face then turned into rage as he harshly grabbed me by my hair.
"Why were you the only one not hooked!?"
He screamed only being an inch away from my face. I cried as I tried to free myself from his grasp.

     Only seconds later a huge man walks threw the door. He looked almost 7ft tall and had on a ugly halloween mask. He also had a chainsaw which was not on at the time. He tilted his head at us before putting the chainsaw down.
"Jake! Jake behind you! Omg look behind you!!!"
I cried out hoping he would listen. His eyes widen as he quickly turned around, but it was to late. The large man grabbed Jake by his shoulders and lifted him with easy. Jake and I both scream pleading for him to stop. Which the man didn't even seem bothered to listen. He walked Jake back over to his hook and placed him back on it. I turned my head away as Jake's agony filled the room. I cries and stilled pleaded with the man to stop. Which again he ignored as he turned away from us and went to pick up his chainsaw. He then took a few tries but he turned on his chainsaw, I still cried loudly pleading hoping to God this was some sick joke. The tall man walked over to Jake and positioned his chainsaw to Jake's chest. I turned my head once more as I soon heard the chainsaw ripping into Jake's chest, blood flew across the room and even landed on me. Jake's agony ceased as the room was now only filled by my terrified cries and the chainsaw running. The man turned the chainsaw off and set it on the ground. He then walks over to me as he titled his head looking confused. He made some grunting sounds before grabbing me by my armpits. I screamed as loud as I possibly could, I started kicking and punching my tied up fist onto his back. This man wasn't even fased. I felt as the tip of my hook was positioned on my back. This was the end, this was how I was going go die.


     The man froze when someone did a loud whistle. We both looked at the man which my heart dropped seeing him. There in the doorway stood Johnny. The man I met at the bar earlier, no oh no was he the one behind this. Did he do this because I rejected him, are my friends dead and it's all my fault?
"What are you doing, put her back on the hook the way I had her. Go to one of the others already. This one is mine!"
Johnny demanded and the tall man did exactly as he ordered. I was put back on the  hook safe and sound. The tall man picked back up his chainsaw and grabbed Jake's lifeless body dragging it out of the room with him. I was sobbing as my body trembled hanging on the air.
"...Johnny...why, why are you doing t-this to us. What did w-we do to deserve this."
I managed to speak out as my body continued to trembled. Johnny froze for a second with a surprise look on his face. This quickly changed though as he grew a psychotic look on his face. He smiled ear to ear as he almost dashed towards me. He grabbed on to my face harshly as he squeezed making in painful.
"You remembered my name!? Ha you actually remembered my name,you would be the first! Now...say it again~"
Johnny's voice got low at the end into almost a whisper. Wait was he getting off on this. What kind of sick and twisted person would do this and be excited!? Johnny waited a moment with excitement spread across his face. He then reached into his pocket and grabbed his knife and softly slides it across my face creating a small cut. I winced in pain as I tried to pull my face back but his grip only tightened.
"Come on bunny say my name, or I'll have to punish you."
Johnny said statistically as he turned to knife and placed it on my other cheek. I gulped down my pride and muttered out.
He looked at me in amazement as a small blush came across his face. He then laughed letting me go as he covered his face with his free hand. He took a step back and sweeps his hair back with his free hand. His other hand holding the knife tightly. He stares as me for a moment before speaking.
"I bet your wondering why your here. You know the slaughter house you and your friends decided to explore? Well it's not so abandoned after all just old, my family's land."
Johnny said almost prideful of his family and the land they own. I cried softly as the restraints on my hands started to hurt.
"Please...I-I'm...we're sorry, we didn't know we promise please just l-let us go."
I pleaded with him as he stood there his smirk never leaving his face once. He shook his head before speaking again.
"Aww poor little bunny wants to go home? To bad, once your caught you can't escape."
He then walked to me again grabbing my face once more.
"Besides your my prey~"
Johnny said as he whispered in my ear in a low voice. He then pulls my chin up and slowly licks the cut on my face along with some of the tears. I closed my eyes tightly hoping this was all a dream, this couldn't be real. Johnny let go and turned around walking to the door. His body still facing the door he turn only his head to look at me. His psychonic smirk still spread on his face.
"Goodnight bunny...we can play more tomorrow~"
Johnny saod teasingly before walking out of the room shutting and locking the door. I started to sob as my body still trembled, my cries echoing in the dark cold lonely room.

Deadly Love |Johnny Sawyer X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now