The Slaughter House

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    It was now hours after the incident with the strange man. Sadly the bar was going to come to a close. We all took our last shot before stumbling out. I cling onto Skyler as we both tried not to fall. We were both laughing harshly due us being hammered and finding it funny.
"You guys sound like laughing hyenas!"
Liberty said as he reached the back of the truck trying to pull the tailgate down. Jake shook his head and looked at us.
"Well it looks like I'm the most sober so I will be driving." Jake said as he walked along the truck to the driver door. Luke sat on the bed of the truck and thought for a moment. His eyes soon lit up and he hurriedly climed towards the front of the truck.
Luke shouted suddenly making Jake jump. He looked back at Luke annoyed.
"The fuck man, what could you possibly say that's so damn dire!?"
Jake said as he was now annoyed. Luke looked like an excited golden retriever ready for an adventure.
"Sooooo when I was driving earlier I couldn't help but notice...we drove by an abandoned slaughter house!"
Luke said as he watched Jake's face. Jake's face changed from annoyed to interested. Jake then smirks.
"Looks like this night isn't threw, so show me the way!"
Jake said as he turned on the car starting to drive.

    I look over at them wondering if we were really going. I was way to drunk for this, we traveled all day and I just wanted to hit the hay.
"Guys...I don't think we should go. We're all drunk and it's late, sleep sounds like a good idea. Besides we can go in the mourning and be sober ontop of that."
I said hoping to change some minds. Liberty rolls her eyes and leaned towards me. "Girl shut the fuck up! Your always a kill joy, we came on this vacation to have fun not just sit around on our fat asses!"
Liberty said with a evil smirk. Skyler came forward and gave her a slight shove.
"Hey quit being a fucking bitch! This is why no one likes your ass when you drink! Besides Y/N has a fucking point! We're just gonna be fumbling around in the dark, what fun is that?"
Skyler said as she stood up for me. Both girls were giving each other dagger stares. That's when Luke spoke up.
"I don't like any women drunk, you all just bitch and yell..."
Luke said almost trying to break the tension between the two.
"Well that's because you love hot dogs not doughnuts!"
Jake said as he let out a laugh.
"Besides pretty sure we're almost at the slaughter house so to late to turn back."
Jake said as he kept driving back towards the fields. Everyone looked so agitated in the back. I just lean to Skyler placing my head on her shoulder. I then whispered,
"Thanks for sticking up for me."
Skyler could only smile at my response before whispering back.
"Listen you know I love going to abandoned placed, but I won't let anyone pick on you cause I love you more."
Skyler said softly ;we soon could see the slaughter house. I stared at it, well it definitely looked abandoned. There was so much tall grass and rust all over it.

    With in minutes we pulled up to this gate.It was old and rusted. The truck was parked and Jake came almost stumbling out of the driver seat. He then looked at us before speaking.
"Well one thing is for certain...we need a hawk!"
Jake said as he placed a hand on his hip. I raised an eyebrow as Liberty shook her head.
"What the fuck is that suppose to mean you drunk idiot?"
She said as she stumbled out of the back of the truck herself. Luke rolled his eyes as he pulled himself up getting out as well.
"He wants someone to look out...idiots..."
He said scoffing as he looked at the group. I then felt this would be the perfect job for me! Besides I didn't want to fumble around in the dark drunk and clueless. I rasied my hand as I volunteered, Skyler quickly slapped my hand down.
"Girl you're not in class, don't raise you damn hand."
Jake quickly cuts off Skyler
"Y/N that a girl! Now climb up a tree and keep eye! Squak if you see anything!"
He laughed before turning a heel and walked into the slaughter gates. Liberty and Luke joined him in laughter.
"Damn jerks...if you see anyone just run inside and let us know ok girl?"
Skyler said giving me a reassuring smile before following the others. I huffed as I looked at one the the trees close to the gate. Climbing up a tree drunk...well I cam check that off my bucket list.

     I look up the tree and take a deep breath. I wipe the sweat off my hands before grabbing a branch. I then used my feet to help push myself up onto the first branch. I grab onto my head as it felt like the world was spining. God if I fall down this I can kiss my ass goodbye. I regain my composer before climbing another branch. I took it very slow climbing up the tree. Half way up the tree I lost my footing, I grabbed onto a branch as hard as I could. I felt it jerk my arm harshly as I felt myself dangling. I gasped as I stretched my legs out to get my foot back on a branch. Once getting to that brach I hug the tree tightly as I close my eyes taking deep breaths. You know what this is high enough, I can see a good mile out. I soon opened my eyes again and looked out. The moon light lit up the fields making it almost as pretty as it was a few hours ago. I take a deep breath before looking out at the roads. That is only when I noticed another truck sitting maybe only a block away. Wait a minute...that's the truck from the guy earlier! I felt as my heart dropped, was he here!? Was this his land!? I felt as a panic rushed in me, I was so busy climbing the damn tree I didn't even notice him pull in. I need to quickly get down and warn everyone. Just as quickly as the thought hit me there was a blood curtling scream. It sounded like Liberty, I then turn my head to the slaughter house from which the scream came, oh no I was to late. I then quickly start trying to climb my way down. Almost falling again a couple of times on the way down but I didn't have time. This man probably had a shotgun threatening my friends. I soon got close enough to the ground to drop. So I dropped, I fell to my knees feeling my drunkenness weighing my down. I went to get up but someone grabbed my shoulder roughly. They then got close to my ear whispering with their deep voice.
"There you are bunny haha~"
Before I could even react something hard hit the back of my head and everything went black.

I'm so sorry about the wait! I had so much things going on but now it's all over and I can get back to writing. Hope you guys loved this chapter, hope to see you in the next!)

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