Chapter 1. And from the void he came

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author's notice:

this is pretty much my trial run on writing a novel after getting hit by brainstorm of scenario ideas and also thanks to some other novel writers out there who pushed me to try this. well not that I'd expect some perfection on my part and also for the elements, this [] symbols means computer programs or commands are being executed, this () symbols are indicating internal monologue.


"that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" the words of an astronaut who's the first person to ever step on the lunar surface and subsequently ushered the era of space flight, leaving a mark that echoes throughout mankind's history as one of it's greatest moments.

the following decades, mankind strides for greater heights but was halted by a series of setbacks which costed the lives of people, meanwhile a small group of individuals persisted against hardships they ever encountered and years later they had succeeded in fielding reusable rockets and with the promise they told the masses. "we will go to mars and colonise it!".

*40,million years later*

in the vastness of space everything seems normal, until suddenly a spatial distortion appeared and quickly turned into a massive hole in space, emerging from it, is a ship of immense proportion and this particular vessel had just recently finished it's mission from an undisclosed star system and now had just arrived at the furthest reach from it's exact "destination" just outside the present star system, currently lumbering on it's way to conduct observation and analysis of the said planet's inhabitants. but something's amiss about the ship, inside the neural interface pod is a man around the age of 20 lying unconscious, the ship was actually on unmanned mission and seeing a person aboard the ship that's supposedly crewless was a mystifying sight to behold.

the pod automatically opened it's hatch before the occupant regains his consciousness, the man himself immediately knew something strange had happened to him and he steps out of the pod before he recalls the event that had happened recently


[ESCORT SHIPS BEGINNING THE DOCKING SEQUENCE. DOCKING SEQUENCE COMPLETE] after the ship finished docking it's escort ships from the recent mission, the central admin AI now begins to plot it's course and inputs star map coordinates of their destination and the warp drive spun to life and on the front of the ship, the space itself became distorted quickly and the ship now being sucked into the rapidly forming massive hole in space and disappeared, while during it's hyperspace voyage the AI mysteriously blackened out.

*rewind end*

and now he has the same body build as his creators, he then looks around admiring the interior of his former self even tho he knew about it the surreal feeling of seeing it in person seem like a new feeling for him, he then run the ship's diagnostics and the results showed to him displayed in holographic screen were listed.










satisfied with the results he then proceeds to check the planetary scans the ship had already compiled, he wasn't surprised by the fact he's back on earth, the home world of his creator's ancestor, the only few things he mused is that the scans shows that the human civilization is at best late 20th century or below type 0 during the time humanity hadn't reached space age along with the concerning fact that the population was very. very low from what he can sense of their life signatures which is also made clear to him that they are still in their base form compared to his creators, but before he could finish thinking, his senses suddenly fired off and at the same time his ship immediately had gone into alert mode after detecting anomalous levels of exotic energy coming from earth and from the current psionic feedback means trouble is in play so he quicky ordered his ship to move forward while he had taken a dash towards his neural interface pod and got in before the hatch closed to assist in battle management, his ship travelled at 3% the speed of light and arriving shortly after and he's now at high orbit ready to unleash hellfire to any unfortunate souls that will get caught in bombardment.

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