Special Chapter.

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author's notice.

this is to fill in as to where that redundant trans-dimensional warpdrive he got came from and also the narrator would be V'lex.


This story had been within the archives of my ship, maybe a million years ago?, so i am goin tell you on how odd it is for a formless AI of the ship, such as myself to suddenly hear a being who calls itself a deity and speaking to an artificial consciousness. so without further a do let's read it!.

it was during the time were the seeding operation was on it's final phase, as me and my other fellow seeder ships was tasked on separate planets to seed life on, accompanying a cosmic pattern forge ship named gileon along with another same pattern ship as me who's name is Crux, the other seeder fleets also had one forge ship each, so here is the AI communication log that is listed on the archives.






well... we are using encrypted two way data channel on this one and gileon was already beside us and waiting for the mission confirmation, now that the mission is a go, we headed out to our work place as you might say it, even tho... it's a whole planet we are talking here and no rest day and i was assigned as the lead ship of this seeder fleet, and if i had an emotions back then I'd complain to crux as to why i was chosen, i mean i am more qualified for blowing some stuff up than simply doing the opposite.

as we enter the spatial tunnel or a wormhole for familiarity, maybe a moments later after we enter the spatial tunnel, both me and my fleet member mysteriously heard a voice even tho we are seriously an artificial consciousness with no emotion, although we can make a choice of our own as we had been given free will to do as we please and we are grateful for that even tho we can only express such thing through logic, anyway... this voice called itself a deity and is in need of help, it says the planet it is managing was experiencing an apocalyptic event and it's brought to you by... um... the demon king... yes.. you read it right. a demon.. king, a supposedly fictional character that you'd probably read in a fantasy novels eons ago and they actually guessed it, that there's another world out here from their another fantasy genre where a hero was summoned from another world to save a fantasy world, but on our case we are being summoned as heroes. a big. semi metallic. space boats.

the deity is telling us our role on it's planet, and that is evacuating as many of it's people as possible and find a suitable planet to settle upon, as this current planet was beyond saving as the demon lord's influence was out of control, the diety had informed us that the demon lord had summoned a ruinous entity, but big mistake for the demon lord as the one he summoned, based from our planetary, bioforce, and subatomic resonance scanner, this ruinous entity is actually the despicable plague that nearly snuffed the galaxy of it's life and this abomination cannot be controlled as it will literally would take control of you instead and not including it's later stage where you had to contend with it's high intellect with your own.

right now the plague hadn't set a foot hold of this planet, it was located in an isolated continent. I'd say it overunned the said continent and this civilization is either both lucky because the deity managed to sense this cosmic threat early on and unlucky because a certain demon lord summoned a threat far greater than himself.

after the deity's briefing, it begun sending prophecy among it's followers about the impending doom that is about to befell that even summoned heroes cannot hope at stopping it, as they would be nothing but an appetizer to it, right now me and my companion ships are sending in drop ships and transport crafts after the deity's people heeded it's warning.

through the link between my system and my dropship and transport craft's system i managed to see the passengers aboard my crafts and they are shocked to see something completely alien and a few passengers tried to be curious but i sent them a message through their minds that they shouldn't touch anything sensitive and just stay where they are, somehow they complied and also i saw that i have an odd passengers inside several of my transport crafts, like it was boarded by dragons that can turn into people along with demihumans, dwarves, elves and don't forget other mythical creatures too, luckily non are infected.

after everyone was loaded we immediately brought them up before that abomination decides to start hunting for biomass soon, i swear i could see their bewildered and shocked looks staring at my transport craft's interior. now that they are inside my ship i could see how amaze or fascinated they are at my main body's interior.

after the evacuation the deity had told us that it can't spare anymore of it's power for creating a new planet after that abomination took alot from the deity so it can only create living things, now it's up to us to create a new planet but before that... we gotta burn that thing into nothingness, so we begin firing our armaments that was meant to deal with such thing and gileon also increased the planet's gravity by firing it's main entropy aperture just to keep that thing in place while we keep firing to cleanse the whole mess.

everyone had mixed reaction on what we did but also glad we are there to save them, after our scanners green lighted that it's free of the plague we set our course to an appropriate star system to build them a new planet, it took us ten days and ten nights to finish it and now it's the deity's turn to do the final job.

from our sensors we are detecting a sudden increase in bioforce signature indicating it has finally done it's job, and now we are deploying our passenger loaded transport crafts and dropships to their new home and before our crafts took off, all of them thanked us and we know the deity can't spare it's depleted power to return us to our home universe, so we run multiple researches via virtual simulations and finally managed to create a device that was born from such countless simulations and this is the redundant trans-dimensional warpdrive you're so familiar with.

it is untested physically, but still the member of this small fleet are equiped with such devices because we know it will work and we started this devices, we also inputted the star map coordinates of our previous destination and the spatial distortion that formed looks the same even the inside, but the dark energy and phantom matter are wholly in a different resonance than when we use spatial tunnel for FTL travels.

and after a few moments we finally arrived at our supposedly destination and proceeds on our original mission, even if we are late by a microseconds.


additional notes:

idk if this is acceptable or not but.... meh

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