Chapter 5. An early Christmas?

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author's notice:

the good ol summer is nice and all with all the babes in bikinis are at the beach sunbathing but. what's this? it's still summer and santa v'lex had been giving gifts to the girls already?.


V'lex is currently on his ship, still sifting through the compilations of data after data, the siren activity had literally became non existent ever since he uploaded a phantom malware during his first frontal engagement on their network, causing untold amount of damages while not leaving any traces of it's existence, he's currently constructing a design for enterprise and hornet's older sister, after amagi's combat exercise yesterday, he thought he wanted to give it with a function of a seaborne ship. if the sirens returns, they are prepared.

*at the surface located in azurlane base*

The girls are enjoying their time on the beach as if everything feels normal with the sirens had stopped their activity, everyone was relaxed even tho there are still patrols being deployed in case the sirens came back.

Enterprise: "they're so relaxed despite with the fact that, the siren threat still lingers around."

Enterprise is seen conversing with a maid named belfast.

Belfast: "with another powerful third party severely hampering the siren's plans, it made a sense that they're so relaxed."

Enterprise: "yes.... it's all because, v'lex was there keeping tabs on them."

Enterprise: "it's still hard for me to believe that he can bring someone back to life, and gave the said person a power that makes the siren technology pale in comparison."

she remembered on how amagi was basically toying with them and how ridiculous her aircrafts or should she say starfighters are, pulling ungodly maneuvers and speed along with it's near unbreakable defense and not to mention how she literally hit targets dead center whenever the target is far or moving she'll hit them without a miss with her main cannons.

Belfast: "it was a fortunate thing on our side when the orochi was awakened far earlier than what we anticipated, he then came and destroyed the orochi before it could threatened humanity's existence."

Enterprise: "belfast, what is your assessment of v'lex?"

Belfast: "as far as we know he is someone we mustn't antagonize, you probably know, how much experience he had with warfare and such, considering he is far older than our civilization. as im saying, if he is our enemy he'd straight up destroy us, rather than simply putting an effort like how he revived amagi."

enterprise can't deny belfast's opinion, it was a god sent blessing that he came to their universe.

meanwhile amagi was seen with her sisters talking alot of stuff like the specs of her ship and also about v'lex, which to him didn't go unnoticed, but he ignored such trivial things.

Akagi: "nee sama, i didn't know your two fighters are equiped with energy shields i thought they are exclusive to sirens?"

Kaga: "also... how is it ungodly maneuverable aside from it's speed?"

Amagi: "akagi and kaga, one question at a time please, I'll answer your question in order, okay?"

both of them nodded.

Amagi: "well for the first question, i was told it was the design philosophy of those fighters that are focused mainly on survivability, speed and firepower. the energy shield it's equiped are just one of it's many other system that are meant for it to survive longer and also for the second question is because of this."

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