The two unbelievable pairs

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"Okay, rock paper scissors

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"Okay, rock paper scissors...I lost. So the winner have to pay—"
"Y/n, I've already paid our food in the beginning." the french boy spoke in amusements, holding his laugh back when he saw the disbelief in her face.

"You could've said so earlier!?" Y/n whisper yelled with a pout, almost threatened to throw the ice cream she's holding towards Loki, but she stopped whatever violent thought that she had when the boy pecked her cheek, his lips lingering at the place where he kissed it as he pulled away with a cheeky grin. "Come on, you know you can't stay mad at me forever."

Oh, how she HATES that he's saying the truth.

Julian Loki. The guy that knows his ways with words, and will forever stay like that. He's always known to be the kind gentleman, just by that alone, he managed to charm plenty girls around their age.

And Y/n herself is half convinced she's one of them, though she still hates how cheeky he can get at times. Especially during these type of times when he knows what he's doing and saying.

"You're unbearable, you know that?" an irk mark appeared on the purplenette's forehead, her free hand swiftly making it's way to pinch his cheek, but oh was she a fool to think the God Sprinter himself won't be able to catch her hand.

Deciding to take advantage of the moment, Loki brought her hand close to his lips, kissing each of her knuckles all the while he was making eye contacts with the most 'innocent' smile ever.

He stayed in the same position, turning her hand so that her palm is the one that's grazing on his lips, the said lips twitching ever so slightly in mischief as his smile shifts into a smirk. "Am I? I'll need you to explain that point, I'm quite clueless when it comes to myself."

Weak. She felt so weak, why was he treating her so differently when he's always been polite with others? Sometime, Y/n wished that he'd act overly polite with her just so that she won't feel these butterflies erupting in her stomach.

If she can, she would've tried to wipe that goddamn smirk off of his face. It's too attractive for his own good.

"You should learn how to shut up. Do you want me to do a full tutorial?" Y/n said with the most sarcastic polite tone ever known in existence, a tight lipped smile with her eye twitching at irritation over the fact that she almost fell for the guy infront of her.

"S'il vous plaît, madame." he said lowly, finally letting go of the poor flustered girl, now deciding to joke with her, putting his arm ontop of her head as if she's his own armrest item.

"The disrespect you hold for me is insane."
"Ey, be grateful. I only do this with people I'm comfortable with." he retorts with a snicker, letting his arm fall to her shoulder as both of them walks down the downtown of Tokyo.

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